Saturday Art Saves: Marilyn Radzat

Marilyn's art 1
Photo Via Marilyn Radzat, and artwork: "Exuberance"


Each Saturday I focus on a different artist that I admire. From potters to painters, chefs to collectors, seamstress to songwriters, lifestyle to lovers… anyone who set the paintbrush, pastry brush, hands and heart on fire to create.

Those who inspire art to flow where it may.




Marilyn statement

Marilyn's Statement above:

Photos and text from my Friend Marilyn Radzat
(Whom I had the pleasure of meeting in Paris.)
"Brocantes…flea markets….a wisp of old netting….a bit of silk velvet that last danced in the 1800's…Be still my heart!
These moments of touching history, imagining a story, feeling energy from the past
inspire me and have given wings to my artwork.  
Whether it be bird feathers from an old hat that was worn to an afternoon tea,
old beadwork, or a piece of a silver pitcher redesigned into body, i
t is my thought, my desire, my intention to take these bits of history
and bring them into the present to be honored.
The hand sculpted figures become the canvas on which they are displayed."


Marilyn's artwork 2
Photo Via Marilyn Radzat: Artwork: "Lift Off"


"Energy has always fascinated me.  

The gathering and flow of energy….

the power of blessings.  

Recently I have been creating wall pieces using Reiki symbols,

with the intention that the blessing energy then radiate out into the space

where it is hung.  

Antique treasures …collages of handwritten letters and sheets of music

from the 1700 and 1800's…

nature's gifts around and under tempered glass….

along with the hidden blessing symbols…

all combine to create an uplifting energy that can be felt."



Marilyn 3
Photo via Marilyn Radzat,

Artwork: "Shadow Dancer"


Marilyn 5
Photo Via Marilyn Radzat, Artwork; "Within My Heart"


Can you imagine such handmade detail in Marilyn's artwork?


Secretbase2 marilyn Radzat
Photo Via Marilyn Radzat.


"Marilyn Radzat has been creating art through the figure form for 30 years.

Using a variety of clays she hand sculpts the face and figure,

which then becomes the canvas for her unique form of self expression.

An avid collector of antique treasure

from fabric and trim of the 1800's to antique memorabilia,

Marilyn uses these inspirations to layer upon her sculpted forms,

adding found objects and nature's elements to the mix.

A handwritten page of a French journal from 1882,

a rusted key, bridal netting from the turn of the century,

beadwork handworked hundreds of years ago

all combine their energies, memories and stories

to the mystery and enchantment of each piece.

"Trained in the healing arts,

Marilyn is a Reiki Master and many of her latest pieces carry hidden

Reiki blessing symbols and contain healing energy.

A chance meeting years ago with a 64th generation Taoist Master

inspired Marilyn to study the healing arts and to include the fascinating

and powerful aspects of energy work in her art.

She often delicately sculpts the fingers and hands into blessing signatures

so that the piece not only adorns a collector's home space,

but actually imparts an energy healing blessing."


Midnight Blessings Marilyn Radzat
Photo Via Marilyn Radzat.

"Marilyn's pieces embody mystery,

promise, enchantment and inspiration.

She entered the art doll market in the late 1980's,

and her pieces became instantly sought after and collected.

She has shown her work in shows and galleries throughout the United States and

they can be found in the private collections of such well-known personalities as

President and Mrs. Clinton, actress Demi Moore, author Anne Rice,

entertainer Richard Simmons, director Ron Howard, to name but a few."


Marilyn artwork 6

Photo Via: Marilyn Radzat, Artwork:

"A Symphony of Stars"  

"Tempered glass, nautilus shells, starfish,

handwritten letters from the 1800's,

old sheet music, hidden Reiki blessing symbols."


Marilyn's art 7
Photo Via: Marilyn Radzat.


"Lately, the idea of "Portals" has come to me.  

Wall pieces,

Altars that inspire one to enter…i

nto and through a portal to their own inspiration and

of their imagination.  

A powerful combination…

inspiration and imagination and then intention.

A madonna image,

tempered glass, oyster shell, antique crystal, an old frame, a wisp of old wedding veil,

an amethyst crystal, pearls, and with all my artwork a hidden Reiki blessing symbol."


Marilyn 9
Photo Via Marilyn Radzat:

Marilyn's artwork, each a one of a kind, is a combination of personally collected vintage and antique pieces. Of sea side treasures collected close to her home in Hawaii, of bits and pieces gathered here and there that speak to her, that add to her creative inspiration. Marilyn's artwork speak of her inner spirit, her prayer of healing and sending love to the universe.

Poetry, prayer in the form of art.


Marilyn 10

Photo Via Marilyn Radzat.


Marilyn Radzat
Photo Via Marilyn Radzat.


For more information contact Marilyn at her:


Or by email: 

Classes with Marilyn:



8 responses to “Saturday Art Saves: Marilyn Radzat”

  1. I love her statement…..I was enchanted just by the calligraphy. The dolls are amazing but I especially like the wall pieces and the whole reiki aspect. I LOVE being enchanted! Once again you have introduced us to someone special Corey.

  2. Her work is truly amazing. Love the figures. I often wonder how you discover the many artists you present.

  3. Brenda L. from TN.

    Beautiful faces! Absolutely enchanting!

  4. touche’, so very sweet ~ aww ~ XO

  5. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Diogenes
    Most are blog readers, or people I have met through blogging.

  6. Her work is amazing! I especially am drawn to the expressions of the one with the child, just wonderful.

  7. Marilyn’s work is amazing and to see it in person is a “take your breath away moment”
    I had the good fortune to attend two of her art retreats in Hawaii…one of the best moments in my life.
    To be in her company is life altering. I could go on and on and write a whole post here. The long and short of it is that I have learned much from her.
    Everything she does amazes me…especially that she gets more beautiful every year…How does she do that?
    On top of that I understand that she saved your apartment in Paris from going up in flames 🙂
    I am so happy that you two got a chance to spend some time together.

  8. Holy Smokes! What talent. I love her work and thank you for bringing it to my attention.

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