French Antique Textiles and Jeanne Mills Quilting Tour

Jeanne Mills Quilting Group

Since 1995 Jeanne Mills has organized a quilting tour in France. Each year she adds different elements to explore and to be inspired by. This year Jeanne asked me to speak to her group. 

We met at a restaurant close to my home. Thierry, Alan and Remy prepared a wonderful sit down luncheon, I brought piles of French antique textiles to admire and talk about. I plunked a pile on each table as a makeshift table top.

The bus arrived with the happiest group of women, instantly I wanted to be on the bus touring with them. Many of them are repeated travelers with Jeanne.


Jeanne Mills Quilting Tour Collage


Between courses  Jeanne asked me to weave my tales about living in France, and the brocante. The antique textiles gathered on each of the tables gave me plenty of props to show and talk about.

If I am asked to speak again next year I would set up a brocante because many of the women on the tour wanted to buy the antique textiles I had brought. 


French antique Textiles Corey Amaro

Have you ever gone with a tour goup?



Jeanne Mills Quilting Tour Group


Jeanne Mills tour last two weeks, their final destination is Paris. 


French antique textiles J.M. Quilting


Each pile on the tables was of a different shade and or era.

I took a seventeen hundred quilt, handmade lace, hemp, spools of linen, a Provencal doll…



French antique Textile Collage

For more information about Jeanne and her tour of France

click here.


11 responses to “French Antique Textiles and Jeanne Mills Quilting Tour”

  1. I bet the ladies didn’t want your presentation to end! It would be a wonderful experience.

  2. I’m not a quilter,but it would have been so much fun to attend! What a treat!

  3. WOW…how fun, no I have never been on a tour of any sort… would be a good thing for a newbie or have a Corey, ha ha ha….looks like a wonderful time, awww, very sweet ~ XO

  4. Yes..I went with a group on a organized garden tour in france…1998… It didn’t hurt that everyone else was a friend and we had a blast. What made it work for me was that we had a lot of free time. What fun for the quilt ladies…BV

  5. I’d wondered where you all had lunch, because your home would’ve been too much effort for you.
    Never been on a group tour of more than a couple of days, my first time in the Azores — unless you count HS field trips for performing music.

  6. The tour sounds like fun! I’ve never done a tour, but am thinking about trying to find one to ‘do’ Venice. If you have a textile brocante, I’d love to come. I love fabric and the pieces you show on this post are gorgeous!

  7. 24/7 in France

    My first trip to France was with a tour, the best way to see a lot in a limited amount of time. I am cofounder of France Finesse, a themed travel business, if anyone is interested ( I’m sure the ladies enjoyed their visit and seeing all of your lovely items!

  8. Marie-Noëlle

    Very interesting !!!
    I’ve never been on a tour of that kind…
    I’m not a quilter nor a quilt fan but I would have loved to attend that meeting and to learn about all those various fabrics…

  9. Brother Mathew

    Touring with the Quilters…sit around talking all things quilt. Eat quilt. Breathe quilt. Sleep quilt. Sleep with a quilt.

  10. Peggy Braswell

    Never been on a tour + looks

  11. Ohhhh! I would have loved being there for this special event. I love textiles of all forms and your entertainment would have been the cherry on top. The first time I visited Paris I was on a small tea tour and we visited a tearoom each day.

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