The Song of Provence

Olives, provence


Olives. Tis the season of such. The branches are loaded. Soon to be liquid gold.

Our new found friends, Teresa and Dave are head over heels in love with Provence.

What is there not to love? Maybe the anchovies? Or the Mistral?

We drove along the countryside, they are photographers, which means they too like stopping in the middle of the road, or jumping out of the car in a flash to capture a play of light across the landscape.



Provence anduze pottery


Provence does not look like Paris, nor Alsace, or Normandy, nor does it look or taste like Oklahoma. Teresa and Dave are from Oklahoma… Provence casts a spell on anyone who loves the countryside, olives, lavender, goat cheese, the blue sea… and can dream of a land without tornadoes. Oh the simple life of kicking back with a pastis.

Provencal Anduze pottery.



Provencal house


September in Provence: The dry rocky soil gives birth to grapes and olives.

Blue shutters against orange facades.

The cicadas stop singing and the Mistral brings blue skies.


Provencal olive branch


Glorious evenings.



Provence France, French happiness


Oh la la Provence lures. Teresa and Dave might not leave.

I can hear the banjo on his knee playing a new tune.





16 responses to “The Song of Provence”

  1. A big part of the reason they don’t want to leave may be due to their wonderful hosts!

  2. Corey, I love anchovies, lol. Glad they are enjoying Provence.

  3. Provence and the autumn are such sirens, luring the innocents to their beauty. With you as a tour guide, I imagine your guests have no chance to resist loving Provence. I’m writing about my love of France in the fall too today. Here’s my Dreaming of France meme

  4. Thank you for taking us along!

  5. provence through the eyes of someone who has never seen it before…makes you fall in love all over again-as if it were your first time….HOW LOVELY-HOW LUCKY!!

  6. Thank you for taking us to beautiful Provence!

  7. September in Provence, for me, 365 days & more in Provence ~ yummie to see olive trees & no hurricanes ~ ;-)) XO

  8. Agreed!

  9. Yes, Provence is to love and cherish.
    Glad they are enjoying it.

  10. 24/7 in France

    Ahhhh, the enticing allure of Provence, and indeed, la belle France herself!

  11. jeanne stone

    i can feel their love of this beautiful place, and know that they are so lucky to have such wonderful tour guides!

  12. This is an area of France that is on the bucket list! A little bit of magic there, I think!

  13. La Contessa

    Teresa and Dave you will write about your visit with COREY and FRENCH HUSBAND I hope so we can all experience what you have seen and done!I think I can speak for many of us out here in BLOG LAND!So, happy you enjoyed yourselves…….I believe now its off to PARIS??That will be another story to be shared!

  14. Just asked Farmboy Husband why — in seeming contradiction — I love olive oil but not olives. He says it’s probably because the fruit itself is much more acidic than its oil.
    NPR had a great report on this AM’s “Morning Edition” about the eat-more-baguettes movement in France. We certainly did our part while visiting both Paris and Provence 😉

  15. Link to NPR’s eat-more-baguettes story:

  16. Brenda, Walker, LA

    Olives, Olive oil, goat cheese….Oh my!

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