The Journey

the journey
Holding my arm tightly we walked ten paces on the path she use to walk two hundred paces or more.


With great effort.

The last days of summer call her, and she cannot deny the desire to breath in the changing of the air.

I watched carefully, every step she took, as if we were about to fall off a great cliff. Would I be able to catch her? 

Twelve paces into her walk she said we better turn around. 

She entered her home, and sat down, "Corey I am a vegetable. I can do nothing. I cannot give you nearly as much as you give me." She cast her eyes down in a sadness that stabbed me.

I took her hands in mine, those beautiful hands… "Annie you are my rock, my beautiful friend, the person who knows my secrets and my heart. You give me more in your presence than I could ever give you in the little things I do." 

She smiled that smile that I hope will never end, "Thank you." Then she closed her eyes and fell asleep briefly. 

When she woke, she sighed, "All I do is sleep." Do you think something is wrong with that?"

I kissed her cheek, "No. Unless it hurts. I think it is a new journey."

She nodded. 

A path where children do not run, where memories sing softly, where even with your eyes closed you somehow know the way. 




65 responses to “The Journey”

  1. Oh, sweet Annie! It is wonderful that she continues to try to walk a bit. When people get in their 90s they do sleep a lot, so that is nothing to worry about. I love reading about your interactions and her wisdom-even if we have never met. Give her a big hug from me please.

  2. The cycle of life manifests itself in this intergenerational relationship… She moves forward in good company and you learn how to live.

  3. Toni Mason

    Ahhhhh I love your stories of Annie. You are such a blessing to her.

  4. Such a special soul. Thank you for sharing these moments together.

  5. becky up a hill


  6. beautiful…..

  7. Lucy Leatham

    Powerful, moving & tender words. Tears shed here in Australia for you both.
    Much Love, Lucy

  8. Thank you for loving Annie, for caring for her for sharing her with us. Bless you both.

  9. There is a bond between you, Annie and us all that touches our soul. Her journey has melted with yours and I adore every single word you share about her. Love you both.

  10. This is like my mother-in-law right now. I know just what you are feeling and going through. Just want to be there with her – give her company – show her love. I hope someone will be there for us.

  11. LauraInSeattle

    You are both so blessed to have each other. You are a strong woman, Corey. I take great inspiration from you. Thank you for sharing life’s precious journey with us.

  12. Shelley Noble

    Oh. God.
    How moving a post can be in your heart, Corey.

  13. Iowa Julie

    Good for you, Corey, and how wonderful to have the gift of Annie.

  14. Tell Annie she is a part of us all too!

  15. Corey, your written words express so beautifully your relationship with your friend Annie, so very inspirational.

  16. Such a poignant post. Thinking of you both.

  17. Oh, I love your Annie stories. She is a gem! Blessings on her beautiful life.

  18. Oh, Corey! I have tears in my eyes. You have such a way with words. I am so glad Annie has you. This is my mother right now. I wish I lived closer to her. It is so hard to see my parents suffer. Please tell Annie we love her and are so happy to know her through you.

  19. so beautifully written – a lovely tribute to a lovely woman. you are both indeed fortunate for an enduring friendship.

  20. Lemon Tree Tami

    Oh I do love your Annie stories … she’s such a precious part of your life and I thank you for sharing her with us from time to time. Dear, dear Annie!

  21. I feel this post- theses words of yours with every beat of my heart and it is as if I am right there with you two-my love to both of you this day and always!

  22. Please tell Annie how inspiring her life has been to so many. xo

  23. Nikki Maxwell

    Beautiful Corey.

  24. Chico Sue

    What a gift Annie has in you, Corey. It is so kind of you to help ease her toward her final destination in a dignified way. She must take such comfort in knowing that she is not alone, and she is loved. Blessing to you both.

  25. If only Annie knew how much she has given to all of us through you. Gentle hugs to you both in thanks.

  26. thank you! beautifully said

  27. 24/7 in France

    Lovely post – loved ones walk with us in our hearts forever!

  28. two very wise women…. being good for each other…. being close friends and confidents…. tears here too as I’m in the very same situation with beloved ones I’m living too far away to take on the ‘new journey’ on a daily basis but phoning and spending much ‘talk-time’ until they are tired again and go for another nap!
    thank you for your probably most tender and beautiful post so far – I’ll travel back to France tonight, and shall therefore be able to communicate more again.
    gros bisous à vous rdeux et je vous embrasse très fort

  29. Corey, This is the most beautiful thing I’ve read in a year. Thank you.

  30. Annie is so lucky to have you, and you her. So much love shared and wisdom from both of you.

  31. Kathleen Rowen

    I just lost my “Annie” enjoy every minute you can.
    Beautiful piece.


    What a beautiful friendship you two ladies have. Mother/daughter in a French way! So much love!

  33. Ana Maria

    Please tell Annie how much of an inspiration she has been to so many of us. I wish I was there to hold her hand and hear her stories. I lost my mother at a very young age. You are both blessed in having each other.

  34. Marie-Noëlle

    Oh, Corey, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU !!!
    A big hug to both of you !!!

  35. Thank you for sharing such an intimate and beautiful moment.

  36. I’m glad you’re the kind of friend who will let Annie talk about her feelings. As someone who deals with a chronic illness that has taken away my ability to help others in many instances, I know how hard it can be to accommodate yourself to taking from others without any assurance that you can give back to them. She may need to talk about those feelings sometimes and to have them acknowledged and not shushed away too soon. You’re the kind of a friend who can do that.

  37. It has all been said by others. Thank you, Corey and thank you Annie.

  38. Wonderfully written. Memories abound.

  39. La Contessa

    I am not prepared for this!I can only imagine how your feeling.Your words were perfect!What a treasure you have had with her…………..still have!

  40. Oh my, tears flowing. Beautiful Annie. Memories of my mother. God bless.

  41. Corey, a very sweet relationship indeed. But, my mind goes to Annie’s question. truly, she may be low in iron or B12 or something that might help her feel stronger even if she is naturally resting and slowing down. Perhaps i am speaking out of line and she has had blood levels etc checked. Much love to you and your dear graceful friend. xo jody/fl

  42. Beautiful, Corey. Thank you.

  43. Blessings to you and Annie. What a touching tribute you have written about your special relationship.

  44. KAMFreeman

    Dear Corey, Thank you for reaching deeply into the recesses of my being with your words telling the story of the deepest of friendships and love as transition now is a part of that most delicious relationship you have shared with your readers over the years. Thank you for the beauty of expressing caring for one another deeply on our journey with this life. Bless you for that sweetest of all gifts, a loving friend. Kristin

  45. A lovely post Corey. Hugs to Annie from Los Angeles. I so enjoy hearing about her.

  46. Beautiful post! Thank you for sharing your heart with gorgeous words!

  47. Beautifully said, Corey. We have a friend in her mid 90’s who fell a year ago and as a result can no longer live in her home. The transition has been especially hard for her. I love your perspective, as always.

  48. Massilianana

    Oh Corey ! This is so moving. You share such a rich precious profound relationship with Annie. And you share it with us with such delicate words.Merci.

  49. You bear witness with infinite tenderness and love.

  50. Brother Mathew

    Love Annie.

  51. Peggy Braswell

    I loved reading this post + what a blessing she, annie, continues to be to you + your family. You are blessed also to have annie in your life.

  52. Beautiful Corey. Thank you for sharing this and please give Annie bisous from Connecticut. Nothing found in the Brocante approaches the treasure of Annie.

  53. Thank you, dearest Corey, for preparing us. Our beautiful Annie is such a special precious part of our lives

  54. Your words touch my soul.
    I am walking that journey
    right now with my aunt of
    93 years. I have sat with
    her several times this week
    kissing her forehead and telling
    her I love her. She loves
    chocolate, so yesterday I placed
    a sliver of a nice chocolate on
    her tongue just to let it sit
    there and delight her. You have
    a precious friend and we have learned
    to love Annie too. Please give her
    our love and best wishes and hugs.

  55. Teresa Young

    I feel blessed to have that picture of Annie in my memories. Spending 10 1/2 months in my Dad’s home taking care of him before his passing, gave me such understanding and compassion for our elders, their feelings, and the feelings of those caring for them. Does she want to go out? Maybe you could get her a wheel chair you could push her out in. So it wouldn’t use all her strength to get there and she could enjoy the fresh air. Bless you for taking the time to love and care for her. She is lucky to have you in her life. As well, you are lucky having her. What a beautiful friendship you two have.

  56. Truly beautiful is all I can say! She is a blessing as you are Corey. What a joy! Thank you for sharing this post. Love her and spend as much time as you can with her. Such a great gift!

  57. Oh, Corey. All my love to you both.

  58. Corey,
    You have shared so many wonderful tales of Annie over the years. It feels like we know her too. I’m sure that you being part of her journey has made it that much more special for her. Love to you both as the journey continues.

  59. So dear….

  60. What a lovely post, written with so much passion. It brought tears to my eyes, to feel your sadness knowing that this special journey, you share together, cannot last forever. How wonderful you DO have this time together…I believe it will have a special place in your heart forever.

  61. beautifully written, Coco

  62. Brenda, Walker, LA

    So Beautiful….I need a box of tissue. You are a blessing to her , bless her heart she is not alone.
    She is a blessing to you, so glean all you can from this soul friend. It brings me to memories of taking care of my parents before their passing. It truly is another type of journey. You will learn things you never knew possible to fathom. God Bless you both.

  63. Oh, corey, utterly beautiful on so many levels! Love to both of you.

  64. Hugs.

  65. A beautiful testament to love. Thank you for sharing and for the tears that are now rolling down my cheeks.

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