Thank you for your very helpful comments and emails.
I appreciated each and every one of them.
What I realized from reading your comments/emails is that I am not a canape/sofa person. I prefer chairs. Maybe that is because the canapes/sofas in our home are not so comfortable. Maybe it is due to the fact that I am five feet four inches and my feet(ies) never touch the ground. Maybe that is because we do not have a TV, and I read in bed or the bathtub.
Thank you for the comments/emails about: Arms being too high, washable cushions, pillows to add personality, how usually only two people sit on a sofa and "DUH" Brother Mat.
The canape/sofa with the most "likes" was Juliet, with Zenna a close second. I liked the orange, but couldn't live with it everyday.
Thank you David and John for your opinions; I remember your beautiful homes in L.A. and Mexico with the fondest of memories.
The winner is Juliet.
French Husband and I are both happy with that result, and are ordering tonight.
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