Sunday’s Reflection: Dreams

Spring rose


Dreams are said to be the language of God, symbolic messages. 

Dreaming is said to be a way our minds or inner being processes the day's events, thoughts and feelings.

Dreams are a way of putting the puzzle of daily life in order. A way of capturing the unconscious. A path to understanding the nuances that escape us. 


Evening rose


Do you remember your dreams?

Most of us do not remember our dreaming hours. Yet while we sleep our dreams speak regardless of our memory of them.

The dreams that do come to my waking mind are vivid, begging it seems to be understood.



Roses climbing



I like to think of dreams as songs: Often a song is playing in the background, as it plays I might feel it without being aware of its words or message. Later without knowing why, I catch myself singing the verse over and over. 

There is a message if I take the time to listen. Once I listen I often stop singing the verse, as if the song has been heard and the message no longer needs to repeat itself.

"The forgotten language of dreams, myths, and fairytales."



Shakespeare writes in MacbethDreams are the chief nourishers in life's feast…

I believe dreams speak to us of feelings and or thoughts that we have during the day that go unexpressed or unnoticed. Dreams are the language of the heart and soul. They are tools provided for us to explore our deeper reality. Those unexpressed feeling and thoughts, those small events that tug at our sleeve pleading for our attention, and even the conversations of words spoken but not heard, are transformed into dream language. Nouns, verbs and adjectives become people, places, things, colors, and distorted facts such as flying, or falling, and more. Everything in our dreams, each faucet, each person, or activity is used as a symbol, a symbol of our hidden self, to show us who we are.
When we sleep our mind gathers the day like hand-picked fruit and provides a symbolic dream feast… Our dreams want to nourish us, they point to the table of our soul and say come sit down, feast on the richness of your life.
Dreams are the language of our inner being longing to integrate into consciousness.
What did you feast on last night?



Cabient of curiosities corey amaro


Books I have enjoyed:


The Use of Enchantment and Fairytales.


Memories, dreams and reflections.




9 responses to “Sunday’s Reflection: Dreams”

  1. I read this and said to myself, how did Corey get so smart. Recently I had the same dream for two nights that someone was calling my name. It would wake me up, but yet I haven’t been able to figure out who is calling. I have never had a dream like this before and it haunts me.

  2. an old boyfriend and saying his full name before we parted…him replying with an incorrect middle name for me…strange but true- i loved him very much…but we were not meant for forever….nice to think of him- ALWAYS-I have always had very vivid meaningful dreams –my whole life- from the time I was a little girl-and I know when a dream needs to be taken a little more seriously-

  3. I have very vivid dreams almost every night. I have always dreamt in color and in my dreams I speak English, Spanish and perfect French! Ha!
    I often dream of my mother and father who passed away many years ago. I dream of my dear cousin who passed away recently. After such dreams I pray more than ever for them.
    And of course, I emailed you after the vivid dream where my entire family showed up at your door as you were sitting down to dinner… You invited us to pull up a chair and join you!

  4. Oh how I wish my dreams were so ethereal. Instead I have violent ones and often wake from them. Always been like this. Sigh. An ex ( I had two.) taught me to redirect my calamitous mares and I often succeed.

  5. I used to be a terribly vivid dreamer and I could nearly always recollect my dreams in the morning – I also had (too) many dreams which proved to be predictions (and I didn’t like it). I dreamt twice of a person dying and when I woke up crying, that person had died – one I didn’t even know personally but it was a person of great importance in my spiritual life and my parents were sitting in the kitchen, crying their eyes out)….
    I wrote ‘used to’….. for many years now I don’t have recollection of my dreams OR if I do, they are so strong that they wake me up immediately! I have often pondered why’s that and what does it tell me – I’ve not found the reason why yet (which worries me sometimes and other times I’m rather glad to be ‘rid’ of this).
    As a very ardent reader I always have at least 2-3 books ‘in work’ at the same time, so that I never go for one step without reaching out to one of my written friends… I can’t go into this for a lack of time but I wanted to let you have my news 🙂

  6. kathy ingles

    when I miss my parents and I want to see them I dream of them. they have been gone over 20 years but I miss their advise or comfort. it is not any grand dream but a remembrance or sometimes a new adventure. so for me, my dreams, are a chance to visit with my departed family.

  7. Karen Carson

    In my dreams I am usually traveling…packing, rushing to be some place, meet people, etc. And they say that life is a journey and not a destination…hmmmmm.

  8. Farmboy Husband’s dreams involve him shouting or screaming in terror, which inevitably wake me up in a fright, and then I shake him till he wakes. I’ve asked him what he was dreaming, and he claims he was trying to protect me from danger (Awwwww…).
    My dreams fall into a few distinct categories, those in which I’m:
    Speaking flawless, fluent Portuguese (definitely only a dream!).
    Reliving the day’s events, except they’ve all been tossed into a crazy salad.
    Singing a song that’s sure to be a pop hit, with a great melody, catchy rhythm and clever lyrics (preferably with internal rhymes that Sondheim would die for).
    Racing at the last minute to the final exam for a college course I’d cut all term and hadn’t read the doorstop-sized textbook for, in a building I can’t find on the Cal campus (it’s somewhere above LeConte Hall, the Physics building, so I’m huffing and puffing up the hill).

  9. lesley austin

    Dear Corey,
    I am belatedly reading this, but so thankful for it on this day after Thanksgiving. You express so well what I also believe about dreams. I sometimes feel one could spend hours each day sifting through last night’s dreams for messages or nudges or confirmation of only barely grasped things in the everyday.
    Your family sometimes appears in my dreams! But I dream mostly of loved ones, unknown babies, houses with new rooms, large expanses of water, animals…

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