The Birthday List



  Chels and Mom


When I was pregnant with Chelsea, French husband was jealous. He wanted to be the one pregnant. He wanted to be the one growing a baby inside. To appease his wishful thinking I asked him to tell me five things he would do if he were pregnant, and that I would do those things for him.


Chelsea baby


His list was endless, five endless responses, which were:

1) He wouldn't watch TV, nor watch any violent movies, nor be around any loud noises, he would turn off the radio, and never listen to rock music… (I had to remind him to keep it simple and not go into detail, otherwise I might begin to feel like Pumpkin Peter's wife!)

2) He would give up sugar, caffeine, anything too spicy, and never would he eat junk food, nor eat anything too hot or too cold…( he was on a roll, he went on and on… I alway wonder how it was that I gained 55 pounds living on air?)




3) He would listen to opera music, not just as background music, but sit and listen to it, at least an hour a day. Oh, and not just any opera music… only Puccini and Verdi.



Family home birthday



4) He would take long silent walks in the forest breathing deeply the fresh air, being mindful of the earth under his feet and hug trees.




5) He would follow osteopathy classes, and he would have the baby in Pithiviers (the clinic where Leboyer, Odent and Lamaze ideas and knowledge are used.)

I did follow French husband's list of things to do while pregnant. Chelsea was born in Pithiviers, ten pounds, smiling and very calm. (Though by Cesarean section.)

Happy 24Th Birthday Chelsea! 24th!!


Do you know Daddy has an ENTIRE-LONG-ENDLESS-LIST for you to follow as an adult?


22 responses to “The Birthday List”

  1. Shelley Noble

    Happy Birthday to Chelsea!
    Please let her know that she has hundreds of Aunties all over the world who would put her up for as long as she liked and treat her as if she were our own.
    You and Yann should be very proud of creating such an obviously lovely human being.
    Love, an auntie in Los Angeles.

  2. Chelsea’s Daddy is a very wise man.
    I have never heard of a papa to be
    thinking of all those things.
    Happy Birthday to your Chelsea!
    She is beautiful!

  3. I think I could give up any of those except the caffeine. My kid would probably come out asking for a latte. 😉

  4. Happy Birthday, Chelsea!

  5. Love is this is all about.
    Merr yChristmas and a happy , healthy new year.

  6. Patti Lloyd

    Happy Birthday to Chelsea. Looking forward to seeing you in Willows tomorrow night…is sweet Chelsea going to be there too??

  7. Gatheringjunque

    Happy! Happy! Birthday Chelsea!

  8. Happy Birthday Chelsea, December Baby, aww…..hilarious list, healthy one too! Love it…..sweet indeed ~ and to celebrate with your Mom, fantastic! xo

  9. Happy Birthday, Chelsea!

  10. Happy Birthday Chelsea and what a sweet story from Yann…………………Wonderful blessings to you all………..Merry Christmas to you all
    Love Jeanne

  11. Sweetness.
    Cherish him Chelsea. Happy Birthday!

  12. Love these glimpses into your family. Can’t wait to read Daddy’s long list for Chelsea!

  13. Natalie Thiele

    Happy birthday, Chelsea! What a perfect way to spend your birthday- with your family!

  14. annie vanderven

    Joyeux Anniversaire Chelsea
    My husband also was jealous when I was pregnant he also gained as much weight as I did, good thing it was only 20 pounds….Actually there is a medical term for this it is called couvade… It is very common in primitive people!!!!!
    Annie v.

  15. rebeccaNYC

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHELSEA!!! and I’m glad your Dad only wanted your mom to listen to opera (I’m an opera singer) but why only Puccini and Verdi? Berlioz, Bellini to start with the B’s…..Debussy, Mozart, oh the list is endless!

  16. Bom aniversário, querida Chelsea!

  17. La Contessa

    OH, how I love the LIST!!
    Even more the fact you gained 55 pounds…..I gained 53 with each SON!
    My Nicholas,the one who looks like JESUS turned 24 on October 1,st.He was 10 pounds 2 ounces!!Another thing to add to the list!We were both pregnant at the same time!He too was calm and a happy baby!No, C~section for me however!He was in to much of a hurry!!!!!!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHELSEA!!!I thought you were a wee bit older……you have done so much just since I have been following MOM’s Blog!!!How gorgeous to be with your California family!
    Ps. Is brother Matthew the one with the NIKE shirt in front row!!??

  18. Such a sweet birthday song you have written for Chelsea!

  19. Peggy Braswell

    the list,how fabulous + happy birthday Chelsea.

  20. Happy Birthday from Texas, Chelsea!

  21. Happy Birthday Chelsea!
    It goes by so fast — too fast! That adorable toddler is now a beautiful grown woman.
    (Can’t help wondering how she feels about Puccini and Verdi ;-))

  22. Stubblejumpin Gal

    French Husband is the best.
    He might drive a pregnant woman crazy, but his heart is certainly in the right place.
    And you do have beautiful children.

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