The Line Up

Family line up


The family grand children line up.

Patti 24

Chelsea 24

Andy 22

Sacha (not in the photo) 21

Sam 20

Jack 19

Joe 18

Gina 15

Marie 15

Maci 13

Molly 10 

George 10

Kate 8

Warren 7


The oldest


The three oldest. 

Patti and Andy are my brother Marty and Suzy's children.


The girls


The girls with long hair!


The guys


Three of the seven guy grand children. Sam and Joe are Matt and  Shelley's children.


Shootin' the bull


My Dad would say they were "shootin' the bull".



Line up by height

Line up by height.


Love train


I love my nieces and nephews!

Love train.


The youngest


The youngest.

My Godchild George, and his sister Kate are Mark and Diane's children.


My family

I cannot get enough, love and tears, it is part of the circle that is family.




It was easy putting the line up in order. The cousins (grandchildren) know each other well. They know their place, they know they are loved, they know each other… as the youngest is always the youngest… Each one of them had their moment.

Warren the youngest, made the line up …um… interesting.


My Mom is telling him to straighten up or no pie for dessert.

My Mom is the Matriarch and she rules with love, devotion and rules!

"Shape up or ship out," is one of her sayings.


Christmas melt down


The Christmas melt down.

As Kate looks on lovingly, knowingly and waits.

Warren has a hard role being the youngest.

Sacha had that role for years. Even though he wasn't the youngest.

I can sympathize with Warren, though I am the oldest after my Mom…


Family love






20 responses to “The Line Up”

  1. What special pictures and family.
    I love seeing them all.
    Your mom’s apron back looks like the
    sewing pattern I sell.

  2. What fun, Corey! So glad Chelsea is there to share in the shenanigans 🙂

  3. Jan Marriott

    Lucky you…..

  4. What a great looking family! Your mother must have tons of energy to prepare all the food. Enjoy being home!

  5. How I wish, for the sake of photographic completeness, that Sacha could’ve been with the rest of you (although no doubt Yann was glad of his company).

  6. Iowa Julie

    Happy you got to spend Christmas with your mom, and I bet she was ecstatic!

  7. Rochambeau

    Lovely to see you and your family Corey!! So glad that you can be with your Mom in California! Great words and photos to match.
    Happy 2014!!

  8. Love this. So wish I had a family full of love as you do. Thank you for sharing! xo

  9. Shelley Noble

    Wonderful! Wonderful! Great shots, Corey!
    Families like yours are the very light of the world.

  10. What a vey lovely family!

  11. VERY lovely!

  12. A bounty of riches!

  13. Corey, how funny. We make our own 10 nieces and nephews line up in the same combinations. Age, height and family group. They too have learnt to “fall-in” on command. The only time it was incomplete was my eldest niece’s wedding and we gave up looking for my eldest son. Too much going on! Later found out he was outside arranging his own wedding with my now DiL. Wish I could send you a pic for comparison.

  14. What wonderful, cooperative children to pose for crazy Aunt Corey’s photos!! They know you love them all to pieces!

  15. Wonderful photos, Corey! Happy New Year to your family!

  16. jeanne stone

    Glad you are getting so many photos and so many wonderful memories!

  17. Leslie in Oregon

    We slowed down, took a good look at Willows (wonderful!) and thought of you and your family as we drove by on our way back to Portland yesterday after Christmas in San Francisco with our far-flung family. I’m so glad you (almost) all were together too…it looks like you had and are having a great time!

  18. Franca Bollo

    Is Kate sitting on Warren’s head?

  19. Your mom must be thrilled with the love train line up photo! How WONDERFUL! She exudes love with her presence and her smile. This picture is a keeper.

  20. Beautiful family, wish you all a very Happy 2014!!

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