Dang it Tick Tock!

The barn

Photography and text: Corey Amaro


Before I arrive in California I dream of the time I will have with my family, what we will see, do and talk about. I dream of the hours we will spend together. I imagine it will be exactly as I dream about.

Hours with my mothers, hours with each of my brothers and sister in laws, hours with my nieces, nephews, aunts, uncle, cousins, friends… How I wil go here, there, and there again to see them.

Though the moment I arrive I feel it flashing by at record speed and I wonder:

Is a day truly measured in twenty-four hours, when it feels it passes by in ten seconds?



Rice fields


I find myself weaving through memories, photos, and thoughts. The doings of the year gone by, catching up on stories, who has done what and who is going where, and what is and has been. Catching up takes time, the calendar with X's tells me so.

My holiday back home never seems long enough I complain, yet at the same time I am grateful that I can visit as I do.

Torn between two worlds. Thankful I have two worlds.

The ever present tide of emotion of having one foot in France, and one foot in California.

Missing someone is a given in my heart.

Yann calls with his French accent pouring down my ear straight to my toes. 

My Mom takes out a tray of cookies from the oven, the aroma stirs my stomach.

A friend writes and I realize that we are not going to see one another, even though I have dreamed so for over a year.





Road W


Going home.

Feeling at home.

It is all the same.


Cross roads.

Leading in different directions to the same place.



Open space


Oh Willows.

Oh Amaro.

Oh France.

Oh landscape.

Starry sky.




Nieces with long hair.

Yann, Chelsea, Sacha, Annie, Thierry, Brocante…





Old barns.


Pick up trucks,

Rice fields.



Barn rd 44


I have a few days left in Willows … dang it!





21 responses to “Dang it Tick Tock!”

  1. Beautiful sentiments of a tale of two worlds.
    Love all you share enjoy the time remaining in Willows.
    Love Jeanne

  2. Marie-Noëlle

    BONNE et HEUREUSE année franco-américaine !
    BONNE et HEUREUSE année américano-française !
    Thinking of you !!!

  3. Corey, my girl – I remember being a child and thinking that Christmas would never ever arrive, that my birthday was so far off, that summer was endless……youth is completely wasted on the young.
    So happy you can be in Willows, and love hearing about life when you’re in France, so continue in 2014 to share your life and your thoughts!
    Hoping Annie is warm and comfortable – when you write about her, there are so many things going on with her that are going on with my tiny flower of a mother – give your energetic and gorgeous mom a hello from me! And love every minute you spend with her, and with your stylish mother-in-law, too!
    all best, from chilly Fort Worth

  4. How is Shelley doing?

  5. have a good and hopefully comfortable no hassle flight back to France ~ you are very blessed, I am totally alone, not metaphysically, but think you get it ~ XO

  6. I know exactly what you mean. I don’t live as far away from my family as you do, but I only see them once or twice a year and the time I spend with them is only a few days. It speeds right on by. Enjoy each moment with your loved ones! xxoo

  7. Laurie SF

    Mix, blend and swirl together to make you. Beautiful you!
    Oh Willows
    Oh Amaro
    Oh France
    Oh landscape
    Starry sky
    Nieces with long hair
    Yann, Chelsea, Sacha, Annie, Thierry, Brocante

  8. I know all too well that it’s tough having two homes, especially when they’re so far apart, because it’s only natural to miss the home you’re not at. But I try to focus on the positive side…

  9. Laurie SF

    Oh Amaro
    Oh France
    Oh landscape
    Starry sky
    Nieces with long hair
    Yann, Chelsea, Sacha, Annie, Thierry, Brocante
    Blend, mix, and swirl to make you. Beautiful you!

  10. Would time travel be the very best?
    Savor each moment and then return to
    France with JOY for what you have there.

  11. penelopebi@me.com

    I know the feeling of one foot in one place; and another in another place!
    I had a difficult time……and they were 90 miles away! Pasadena and Santa Barbara; California!
    I am not good at “pulling up roots”!! I did it; and I can still return in 90 minutes!
    (that was a HUGE move for me!)
    You are doing a beautiful job! and I love your blog; I adore your post with Elizabeth Fitzpatrick! And your divine apartment in Paris!
    All very positive reporting on how it feels (honestly) to be in a different place!
    You describe it beautifully and realistically !! and you have transplanted very, very well!! Your mother is divine!

  12. La Contessa


  13. The photos enhance the emotional component of the post! Beautiful!

  14. There’s no different worlds, different countries or languages, there’s only love.

  15. Liese Lotte

    You´ll need to be hugged now.

  16. Top with maple syrup.

  17. Franca Bollo

    That’s Buddy the Elf’s make-up.
    I know, I’m just a cotton-headed ninny muggins.

  18. Franca Bollo

    Thanks to your header, I’ve been humming Ke$ha’s “Tik Tok” ever since I read it.

  19. Arnelle S

    Corey, my dear, you have the best of both worlds, CA and France. Your roots are here, but you put down new roots in France. Bloom where you are planted.
    What’s this I read about someone who said you should write a book! That’s it! With you wonderful gift of words and photography, it will be on the New York Times best seller list.
    It was a pleasure to physically meet you and hope you let us know when you will be visiting CA once again. My dear mother lived in Michigan and I was in CA. Might as well have been CA and France. It is heart wrenching to leave loved ones at either end of our worlds.
    God bless you and all you do to make the rest of us happy.

  20. Dang it is right! But I will wait until next time… Love and kisses to you and yours. And an extra squeeze to Shelley!

  21. Daisy Knowles

    I’m sorry to have missed you Godmother Corey! Maybe next time.

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