Do French people really wear berets?
Though if they are wearing one while driving… watch out.
Berets and driving don't equal a good thing.
I don't know why, so don't ask okay.
But it is true.
I bought some berets for fun. And told my fam-dang-ly
Let's be French.
They rolled their eyes, "We are French."
Actually to delight me they put on the berets. Using the shop window as a mirror. Sacha is studying cinema, this sort of thing is up his alley… staging.
I would have been embarrassed at their age, but they were not. Are French ever embarrassed? I don't think so. Again it is just my observation.
Place de la Concorde.
A perfect stage.
Sacha playing the part.
People have asked me, "Are your children more French or American?"
Well their Father is French, they were born in France, went to school in France, live in France and took summer vacations in Willows.
Place de la Concorde in Paris.
Next to the Crillion
in the distance, le Grande Palais
Growing his hair and his beard again.
Do French man have long hair and beards?
No not really, though in my world (t)he(y) do.
The French girlfriend.
Now if I can convince Chelsea's Mr. Espresso, the French boyfriend, to allow me to show his face on my blog.
But I am not holding my breath.
I asked Alice, my friend's daughter frol Australia who is staying with us, if she wanted to run across the place de la Concorde?
And before I knew it she ran across.
What spunk!
My children would have rolled their eyes at me.
I wonder if she washes windows too?
Alice is a keeper.
People pleasers.
Berets and smiles.
Sacha hamming it up.
French boy in a beret.
Do Australian wear berets?
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