Playing Spoons

Playing spoons


Have you ever played spoons?

It is a fun, simple, fast, good for a laugh card game.

My Belle Mere loves it, she has been known to dive across the table for a spoon. She is that feisty.

My mother has never lost.

I cannot remember ever losing.



Playing cards spoons


Our friend Thierry loves the game, he loses most the time. As he said tonight, "I am a calm loser when it comes to spoons, I am in it for the fun."

I said I was glad since I played to win.

We both laughed until it hurt. That kind of laughter that only people can have when they know what they are laughing about has nothing to do with what they just said.

He was the winner tonight, as it marked a year of his victory!

We celebrated. Had dinner. Drank champagne. Played spoons.





24 responses to “Playing Spoons”

  1. What a good time…I love anything that brings unbridled laughter (good for the soul, you know). So glad you had such a wonderful milestone to celebrate 🙂

  2. Love spoons. My family has played it with crayons and whatever else is @ hand when there were no spoons to be had. Congratulations to Theiry and you both for an enduring friendship.

  3. Cheryl Hall

    I need to learn that game! I hope Alice can remember when she comes home…me thinks she has taken out French citizenship!!! Lovely to see such fun and enjoyment

  4. a very worthy celebration for Thierry!!!! friends ,love and life! cheers to all! xxoo jody/fl

  5. Many, many kudos to Thierry for his strength of character! Happy first birthday in his new life.

  6. Been there, done that and it is FUN!

  7. I am so happy Theirry won!!!
    I suspect that I too would have been a calm winner, and so am on his side!
    Corey, you are the best tonic! Tonight, I need that kind of silliness and laughter so much — wish I had been there.
    Thank you so much for your posts.

  8. So glad to hear the great news!

  9. Good news, laughter, and spoons, what a most delightful day to celebrate. I have never played, but sounds like just what I need.

  10. That is definitely a cause to celebrate!!! So happy to hear that Thierry is doing well! xxoo

  11. music to my ears-WINNER INDEED!!! he and all of you remain in my thoughts and prayers.

  12. I’m unfamiliar with the game of spoons, but am glad you were all having harmless fun and laughing!

  13. Stephanie

    LOVE that game! We get very physical and even wrestle over the last spoon. Very fun!

  14. Liz Van Buren

    Yay Thierry!! Soooo happy for him! And his fortunate loving friends. xxoo

  15. Glad to know he’s better

  16. I’m pretty sure I would knock over the champagne if I played spoons while drinking. Looks like a fun time.


    So glad to hear your friend is well. I love playing card games with friends on a cold winter’s eve. Is the woman in the pictures your belle mere? If so, she looks wonderful!

  18. Help! We have the champagne now we need to know how to play spoons!

  19. labergerebasque

    THAT is very good news…and you have been/are very good friends 🙂

  20. Peggy Braswell

    great to hear of Theiry’s health + with friends like you + a game of spoons!

  21. Teresa Young

    So much fun! Spoons is fun no matter what your age is. Tell Thierry hello from us!

  22. I haven’t played spoons in eons, but I do remember it being a lot of fun! Best Wishes to Thierry!

  23. Oh how I know that laugh…such good news…such warmth…what would we do without friends?
    BV xo

  24. Love the sound and thought of ‘happy.’ Best news ever hearing ‘happy’ about your friend. I lost your Tongue in Cheek blog and tonight I found you. Now, I too, am happy!
    I have never ever played spoons. I will have to find out, sounds fun!

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