Saturday Art Saves: What Color are You?

La place du Tertre

Photos and Text by: Corey Amaro

Painting Paris. Painting France. The vivid colors of day to day life mixed in with the fantasy and history. The stuff of dreams: Golden baguette, blue shutter, red checked cloth, a dab of red wine, a splash of the Mediterranean and a touch of Marie-Antoinette.





Where does your paint brush take you? Where does the color blend in, fade way, add texture, give highlight…. Does the line between dream and daily life blend? Or does it bring contrast?

Is life pale blue, with hints of green shoots?

Yesterday mine was grey with lightening… headaches are dark aren't they?




What would you add to your canvas?




Different scenes,

Old facade,

Open door,

New path,

Romance at twilight,

Soft shades of mystery?






What kind of artist are you? Do you sketch details out in your mind first? Or do you get in and get your hands dirty?

I tend to stare at the paper for a long time…blank allows pregnant thoughts to emerge, or if truth be told: Last minute is my best friend for motivation.





I find it funny how something can brew within without knowing, without direction, or plan. How the unconscious mingles with reality, sparks dreams, tugs at one's desire then seemingly effortless, as a whim, it appears and the scene is made whole.




La place du Tertre



Colorful life. Is the daily canvas lick-able, nourishing to your soul?



I wonder if ideas, thoughts, and even friend's and warrior's messages stack up in the back of our closet like clothes we hope to wear one day. I wonder what color they would create if I didn't clean them out from time to time.





Every moment creates a scene even if brief, a dab of color is a dab of color, each stroke lends to another.











Contemplating the next move. As the river runs by, and a bridge offers passage.



La place du Tertre



Wine, the back side of a canvas and two boys in long aprons talk about the meaning of life and what girl they want to ask out.




La place du Tertre


A dab of




two empty glasses.





Memories, moments, blending that is how it is, isn't it?





Waiting for someone to come, sit down, make the scene complete.



What color are you today?




14 responses to “Saturday Art Saves: What Color are You?”

  1. very nice…

  2. Like a rainbow….These are superb. I would love to see more of these. Cheri

  3. Something so romantic in the painters box with two empty wine glasses. Lovely painting, lovely colors, and lovely art. My color today is a bit grey with a tinge of pink around the edges trying to peek out from behind the cloud and giggle a bit.

  4. Oh, to be in Montmartre…. I am searching for color in a snow covered NY.

  5. Red. Firecracker red.
    Spent the evening drifting along the Chinese New Year parade route in Chinatown.
    Bam! Blam! Bam! Bam! Blam!

  6. Merisi in Vienna

    Corey, this whole photo essay is a work of art, just like the paintings you captured. Even more, all those layers reflect an artist’s vision. I am smitten.
    Looking at your pictures, the travel bug’s biting me:
    (Mich brennt’s in meinen Reiseschuh’n, an old German folk song, “My walking boots are burning/itching”, feeling wanderlust)

  7. My only first cousin not only inherited his share of the family art gene, he also inherited mine — le sigh.
    My only only use of color has been in photography, sewing and knitting; the rest is black-and-white in my writing and translating.

  8. I just want to jump right into your photos!

  9. So thought provoking, excellent delivery. Your words as creatively arranged as your photos. My color – Light grey shadows on crystal white with anticipation and angst layered on top of dreams. My canvas is blank, but like you, last minute is my friend. Oh, friend, come out, come out, wherever you are!
    Wonderful reflection, thank you again.


    My color is red!!!! One of my fav happy colors. Roses are pruned, fertilized and ready for spring. 72 degrees all the doors are open (except front, city dweller) fresh veggies roasting in oven. LuisMiguel playing on sound system throughout the house. Setting up new display in hutch…..IT’S ALL GOOD.

  11. Lovely art. I am blue, but I see the bright oranges and yellows of the sun waiting for me to come out of this long illness. Sigh.

  12. Jeanne… Collage of LIfe

    I just loved this post Corey…everything about it! My colour today? Magenta…which is the colour of my skin after an hour long walk in the heat of the day! I working towards a calm aqua… 🙂
    Sending you warm wishes from Saigon…. xx

  13. lovely, inspiring photos and words…love across the sea…thanks for the special gift..a tangible richness that I can see!

  14. a delicious post, indeed. question for you — do you ask if you can take pictures of the art? it has been my experience that people are very cranky about that (on both continents) unless one asks. just curious to know your technique 🙂

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