Poppers that go Pop at Night

Mini souffles


Or their more formal name: Mini Souffles.
or Poppers as I like to call them.

They look so beautiful, like hot air balloons, the minute they come out of the oven. But within seconds they deflate, leaving you to think that their goodness has just gone up in a whispering smoke.Thankfully, not the case. The taste is ever present, the texture a creamy deliciousness.

Put 12 fresh eggs in a mixer, 
Add salt to taste, 
Chop in fourths roasted red pepper, 
A couple of tablespoons of tomato sauce, onion, and celery. 
A healthy pinch of thyme.


Three Pepper Aperitifs

Three pepper aperitifs


Three Peppers Savory Crunch, perfect beginning to lunch.

Grill lightly slices of a baguette. Bite size saves on washes up.

Saute chopped yellow, red, green and why not orange, if you have it, peppers. With a pour of olive oil, crushed garlic, a pinch of mustard seed and red onion.

When lightly golden yet with crunch factor intake, add cracked black pepper.

Spoon loving blobs on each little toast.




As I type


Sacha is home.

He is downstairs as I type.

As I was typing I heard a cracking sound, a breaking sound and then utter silence.

I do not want to say, "What happened?" I do not want to ask, "What broke?" Instead I am sitting, wondering… waiting… imagining Sacha trying to put Humpty back together again.

I guess I better go downstairs and investigate. Dread. 



Yann and sacha 1992


French Husband and Sacha.



Sacha claims nothing broke. I guess it was a ghost or something. Odd.






11 responses to “Poppers that go Pop at Night”

  1. laughing so hard…now where did he “hide it”???
    I will be sharing your recipes, they are great!

  2. Yummm food!
    Sweet picture of FH and son.
    Oh dear, what happened?

  3. I can’t get over how much Sacha looks like Yann in the photo 🙂

  4. What a sweet photo!
    Very mysterious about the breaking sound… Perhaps the sound came from a neighbor’s house?

  5. hmm. Do you know what broke and you aren’t saying?
    Yesterday I couldn’t believe how similar father and son look. And their friendship is so apparent.
    Today, I mistook Yann for Sacha. I thought Sacha brought a child home…Amazing.

  6. I like Sacha’s boots.
    in San Francisco we have a restaurant called the Cliff House that overlooks the Pacific Ocean that serves their really famous for their…Popovers!

  7. I know that sound well, when they try to sneak something just out of the oven without you noticing, something always gives them away.
    Father and son, that picture could have been taken today, with roles reversed.

  8. My dear husband is always breaking something. I have to hide the “treasures” from him!

  9. Peggy Braswell

    will try the poppers + you will share what has happen? + Great photo. xxpeggybraswelldesign.com

  10. No flour in those? I have to try them then!!!

  11. Corey, didn’t you mean a Choux Pâte recipe for poppers, using milk, butter and flour as well? What’s listed sounds more like scrambled eggs ;-)))

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