How to Cure the Brocante Bug



How to cure the Brocante Bug:

Dust Bunnies and a Vacuum Snake.

When every little object is covered with an inch of dust.

A cure beckons. 

I took down the entire shelf of smalls, dusting each thing carefully, if you had been here I would have stuffed half of those little things in your pocket.



10 responses to “How to Cure the Brocante Bug”

  1. Dang, sure wish I had been there. Lucky be the person who visits me on clean up day. I’m always handing out small treasures.

  2. I have been giving it away… want to dust less!

  3. If I had been there I would have emptied my pockets and thrown my clothes in the trash so my suitcase was empty just to take home a little treasure. That was my first thought. But I have one better… I’ll come right over and help you dust. xo

  4. Oh and one more thing… we’lll turn on the music and pour a glass of wine and sing and dance and reminisce abput each treasure as we whisk away the dust.

  5. 24/7 in France

    RED – my favorite color – the decorative red door is stunning!

  6. Too funny…you are right. Until it was my turn to dust! Bisous et bon courage.

  7. Brenda, Walker, LA

    Laughing….Yes I know that feeling. Yet, I still collect…just sparingly and with great care. I usually say something has to “Yank my gizzard” for me to bring it home. When I do, something has to go!

  8. Peggy Braswell

    ahh yes the dusting + I keep giving things away.

  9. how I wish I had been there then especially with this teacup there.

  10. I am behind a few days in reading posts. Funny though, as I just blew a patch of dust off my buffet! The comments are interesting, are we all learning something about collections and dust ? Are we of a certain age? I love my collections, but dusting has become somewhat of a rarity here. Oh woe, cannot have one without the other! Oh joy, continue to do both! xo jody

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