The Pretty Woman and the Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back



Well dressed, young, with an attitude higher than Mount Everest she sat at the cafe chatting on her cell phone while sizing up the man in front of her.

When her drink arrived she disregarded the server, then in a flash she called him back… "A straw – " she claimed as if it were he prize. And when he returned, she pointed to her drink, he placed the straw inside and nodded as if to say, "Sorry." Pretty Woman seem to command certain men with her angry charm. As soon as he turned his back she pulled the straw from her drink and tossed it to the ground. Had his hand touched to closely to the mouth piece?

As I sat with the sun on my back I thought about Pretty Woman: How strange she was to claim a touched straw disgusting yet not find the cigarette dangling from her mouth worse. It must be that her stilettos keep her above the trash she throws carelessly underneath her. We live in different worlds: I walk upon her straws, my lungs breath in her second hand smoke and my heart judges her unmercifully.

Nobody is perfect.

The straw bearer, the thrower of straws, nor the straw calculator.


30 responses to “The Pretty Woman and the Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back”

  1. Diogenes

    I am always kind to anyone who has control over the food that comes to me.

  2. 🙂

  3. BEFORE I actually lived in France, I would have gone up to the woman and lifted up the straw, held it out to her and Iwould have said: I think this fell from your glass…..
    NOW, after six years on Ile-de-France I gently shake my head and don’t do anything. I am just VERY THANKFUL that I’m not that angry, probably stressed-out and unhappy woman.
    The beauty of getting older; the joy of being able to extend calm and help w/o feeling odd….
    Yesterday, I made fresh lemon lemonade; the first this ‘summer’…. heaven – and a big fat green straw stuck in the tall glass, joy for the ‘big old girl’!

  4. nancy w.

    I agree with Kiki. I am very grateful to not be that angry, unhappy person. I hope she is soon able to deal with whatever is stealing her happiness. Life is too short.

  5. I wrestle with type of stuff too-my mouth ALWAYS AGAPE! I don’t understand it never will although guilty of still trying to understand why-my favorite line “….pretty woman seemed to command certain men with her ANGRY CHARM….” WELL SAID – WELL SURMISED WELL NOTED-

  6. That was so well written. The Pretty Woman reminds me of someone I know who sends back every single cup of coffee she gets at a restaurant. By the way, I’ve been reading your blog for just a few months after I googled Expat Provence blogs, wanting to revisit fond memories of my trips to Provence. I now, thanks to you, I have severe photo envy. You’ve inspired me to throw down my point and shoot and pick up a DSLR and experiment. Cheers from Marin County, CA.

  7. Dawn Fleming

    Agree – Well written!

  8. Pretty is as Pretty does comes to mind.
    Actions speak louder than words.
    What does her actions say about her,
    Does she even care? That is the question.

  9. Merisi in Vienna

    Oh dear! Let’s hope she was having a bad day. A single bad day.

  10. Sadly, there are more than a fair amount of Pretty Women like this nearby. I find them interesting character (or lack of) studies. You are still full of grace. You know who you are and what is important to you. Nothing superficial there.

  11. Yes, Merisi, let’s hope it just a bad day for her. I can’t imagine being that rude or that pretty. I know I shouldn’t mix them up, but I can’t help but wonder how being that pretty feels. . . Must be a girl thing . . . but, really, poor pretty girl must be extremely unhappy to behave so rudely. Actually, it’s sad.

  12. I like what Diogenes said, to be kind to those that serve us. It reminds me of the story of someone such as “pretty woman” misbehaving and the waiter spitting in her food before serving it. Your story was well written.

  13. If only a whisper could penetrate her consciousness to make her aware of her unkind actions

  14. Shannon Marie

    Love this! judgementally speaking, I understand completely! 🙂

  15. so another observation why the world is a mess……another unawake, entitlement, attitude of total selfishness, “its all about me” and living dumbed down, a dime a dozen today, so very sad it is indeed, yet I cannot change the world, observe and simply start with me… consciously…..awake, respectful, grateful ~ pompous and ostentatious souls are not a match with me ~

  16. Franca Bollo

    Franca would have walked over, picked up the straw and put it back in her drink and said, “À votre santé, salope!” with her sweetest smile.

  17. Amen Sista.

  18. Obviously a very narcissitic individual teaching a life lesson. Please God, don’t let me come across that way. Thank you for your observations, Corey.

  19. Very well written. Corey, I felt like I was there with you. Keep it up – I love hanging out with you!

  20. I love being nice.
    It bothers me to see things like this..
    You said it so wel.

  21. Catherine


  22. Christine Harris

    It’s hard not to judge in that kind of situation. Sadly, it’s her loss to have to live in anger and a good reminder for us. I find kindness and a nice tip goes a long way. Sort of a pay it forward.
    Well written!

  23. Wow, I love this post. Excellent on so many levels. I’ll be thinking of your words all day today. Thank you.

  24. Karen Carson

    What is the saying? “Be wary of the person who appears nice to you but is rude to the waiter?” Very telling about one’s character.

  25. Me thinks Pretty Woman needs to fall off her stilettos. : ) Kindness and graciousness will carry her so much farther.

  26. Marsha @ Splenderosa

    What a pitiful image she presents of herself. NOT a pretty woman at all. Isn’t it amazing how well you remember this incident?

  27. Melinda from SF

    Great storytelling, Corey! You had me intrigued at every word. Oooh, I’m sure you’ve thought of this before, but seriously, I can envision you writing a book with characters like this gem of a woman. Mysterious brocantes. Deliciously described food & details. C’mon, we’d all love it!! Right??!

  28. Bonnie Schulte

    I’ve read that being rude to a waiter, is a great judge of a person’s character. This woman should see herself, as others do. I wonder tho, if it would even matter to her.

  29. I love your postings. Be careful darlings as the Buddha monk told me one time you have to keep coming back to earth to correct every mistake and unkindness you established here on earth. Perhaps next trip around she may be a wait staff and have to learn what it is like to be treated such as this.
    I try not to judge but I don’t like anything not dealt with dignity and kindness we are all only humans trying to make our way through this journey of life. I too agree I hope she can find some happiness. Happy and kind people are so much more pleasant to be around. Much love Jeanne

  30. I love that you come “full circle” in this post. Your observation not only about the young lady, but about your (very real) experience/behavior as well. Makes it more than a light read-which, in turn, makes it stick with me, makes me think, makes me learn and grow…much as, I assume, you did. I love that you do not shy away from that which is bad/questionable/scary inside your own being. Experiencing this lenten season with you, though I’m not Christian, is growth inducing. I thank you for that.

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