Last week when we were in Rome, French Husband had this brilliant idea, "Let's walk to the coliseum." He calculated that it would be about seven miles round trip. I asked him what was wrong with a Bus? Taxi? Metro? Moped? Bike? He grabbed my arm, "It is good for us, let's go." Then he added, "No stopping, no looking which means no peeking into shops… just follow me." I knew the seven miles would be ten miles because French Husband has a bad habit of getting lost.
We walked.
We got lost.
We stopped for a hot chocolate that was like pudding, I love Italy.
We walked some more.
And stopped for a fried zucchini mozzarella panini.
We walked, and walked and stopped at every ruin which means we stopped every two feet.
We stopped for another hot chocolate, because French Husband loves chocolate.
Walking as we did in Rome was growing on me, literally.
We walked across the bridge to see the Ponte Sant’Angelo.
I stopped to take a photo with my cell phone. French Husband gave me that look that said, "Keep moving."
I took one photo while praying to the angels of Ponte Sant’Angelo that it would turn out
Then raced on to catch Mr. F. H.
"A photo to prove we made it."
I caught my reflection in his sunglasses.
I was in my glory, not because of the several hot chocolates, simply because what is there not to love about walking around Rome, and around and around the coliseum?
The angels at the Victor Emmanuel II Monument made me think what an amazing view they must have. To have Rome under their wings. I imagined that they came down to walk alongside of us. I teased, "I bet it looks entirely different down here?" They fluffed their wings, and gave it back to me, "I bet you would like to have wings instead of those scuffed shoes?"
They thought they had the last laugh until they watched French Husband down another hot chocolate. Made them realize that wings are one thing, but chocolate is heaven on earth.
French Husband asked, "What are you thinking about?"
Angels and chocolate.
He shook his head.
As we walked back French Husband thought about the ruins, the history, the enourmous amount of beauty Rome has to offer, "We must come again and again."
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