Puppy Love or Whatever it is.

Puppy love


When going to the French brocante there is literally something for everyone. Most people who go to the brocante know what they are looking for, or at least know what they like.

I spotted a telescope. 

French Husband spotted a very loved stuffed whatever.

"Puppy love," I cheered 'cause French Husband has a thing for loved worn stuffed animals. I mean he loves them. The more worn the better. The one he found at the brocante was as he said, "… had many years of being loved."

I don't think it was a puppy, it could have been a cat but puppy love stirs memories of "first love". It could have been a tiger… who knows, as it was so worn… French Husband said it was, "Loved period."

I forgot the telescope with all the cooing over the stuffed whatever.

Some people go to the brocante and stay focused. As for me I am finding my husband catching the BROCANTE BUG badly, and because of it I am happily distracted.

Sawdust stuffed animal. 

Year unknown.

Not my expertise.

Just my husband's new addiction. It sure beats caving.



12 responses to “Puppy Love or Whatever it is.”

  1. ” year unknown,
    Not my expertise.
    Sure beats caving”
    Your way with words cracks me up!

  2. Oh I would notice this loved animal too.
    How sweet for your husband to notice it.
    Yes, it is better than caving.

  3. My guess…chat. Fun that Yann liked it. A man and his pet.

  4. Natalie Thiele

    Love it! How sweet that he collects well loved stuffed animals. I think it’s a wolf.

  5. Marie-Noëlle

    Whatever the way, it’s “brocante bug” …
    Would say it’s a doggie, but I’m no expert !!!

  6. Beats skiing ‘hors piste’ as well:)

  7. Brenda, Walker, LA

    I have two or three of the sawdust stuffed whatevers myself, I’m glad I’m not the only one, my kids think I am nuts! They sit among starched and ironed white fluffy linens in an old woven basket, to me it testifies of unconditional love! Smiles!

  8. christine.jacob2@wanadoo.fr

    ANYTHING beats caving 😉 I have kept my three childrens’ stuffed whatevers, and they still smell as terrible as when they were dragged around everywhere and LOVED to death ( the whatevers, not the children).

  9. I love that he loves this.

  10. Must be something about stuffed dogs/puppies…a while back my husband stopped his car to retrieve a stuffed dog that was lying on the road. It was not old but his eyes were missing, so it is my task to sew on some button eyes and my husband wants the ‘dog’ to sit on the back window of his restored Holden car!
    Are they reverting to their childhood?? And recalling long forgotten old toys?

  11. Susan young

    Corey , please tell Yann for me that I have had an addiction to ancient, well- loved stuffed animals for many years. An old teddy bear bought in Isle- sur- Sorgue started my collection. Another favorite is a wounded teddy hear, found in the rubble of Berlin after WWII.. He is missing an arm but his eyes are bright! Also favorites include Victorian dogs with curly hair and wire feet.
    In the US the market for these peaked about 10 years ago. They are hard to find now and extremely overpriced when you do!
    Maybe Yann will have better luck in France!

  12. Aw, how cute of your husband to take to these very loved stuffed animals. Reminds me of the “The Velveteen Rabbit”…”generally, by the time you are Real most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints & very shabby. But, these things don’t matter at all, because once you are Real you can’t be ugly except to people who don’t understand.”
    Totally understand. 🙂

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