All I Really Really Want…. I Have


A love like this


And then there is love.

Holding you.

That is how I feel when Chelsea and Sacha are home.

There is love.

Strong. Simple. Pure. Good.

And more than that,

if it is possible to have more than that, 

It is mine, or I should say ours.

Love is here heaping full for my heart to have.

If heaven isn't this, this moment, this love, this over abundant reality of goodness,

than it isn't what I am hoping for.



Blooming love


I don't know if I did anything to deserve this.

Nothing more than the person next door, or the person millions of miles away.

But I do know that I wish it on everyone, to have family love, the kind that I feel that roots the source of who I am into the source of what is good, pure, simple, and strong.

A love that is free to be who you are without fear. A love that you put in your pocket, like a bunch of seeds, and it blooms as if you are the source of sun and water.


Love wish come ture


All I really really want I have.


   Do you know how that encourages a person to live?  

I hope you have such joy in loving and being loved too.

Thankful. Very thankful I am.





25 responses to “All I Really Really Want…. I Have”

  1. So happy you were able to spend some time with your children. Have a great week!

  2. I know what you mean!We are very lucky!Wish I lived next door to YOU!

  3. Corey, this is the perfect post–family and love–the key ingredients for happiness. I’m so glad you recognize how lucky we are when we have both.

  4. Such love in the pictures! Lucky us who have that in our lives!!
    P.S. That man of yours was handsome with a ponytail but downright gorgeous with all his hair framing his face!!!

  5. Janet with Eiffel

    You receive what you give.

  6. nancy w.

    I am with you Corey. I am lucky enough to have everything I need and then some. So blessed.

  7. Corey…it is your words, your stories, your sharing each day that lights for so many that candle that we need to see burning….with hope and a happy, thankful heart as our days, too unfold. How much you teach us all about gratitude. Thank you.

  8. Diogenes

    You have some readers that think you are pretty groovy too. I can think of two in LA. 🙂

  9. I totally get what you are saying. Humbled that you have so much… but just maybe, you give out a lot too!

  10. Realizing what you have, how lucky you are, is the best gift. How many of us have this and don’t appreciate how blessed we are? Thanks for the reminder.

  11. I love reading your posts . . . Your happiness shines through.

  12. B.L.E.S.S.E.D.

  13. Love your post! Reminds me of the song my kids used to sing..”love is something if you give it away you keep on having more. It’s just like a magic penny. Hold it tight and you won’t have any. Lend it spend it and give it away and you just keep having more.”

  14. Your ability to speak to us in your heartfelt way each day is truly a gift…of yours….to us. Thank you, Corey.

  15. Shelley Noble

    Corey, you so You deserve every blessed moment. Enjoy!

  16. Rosemary Wilmot

    Wonderful wonderful wonderful. Capturing that moment in time of pure love, happiness and contentment. X

  17. So wonderful to recognize what is important and to be thankful for it. “And the greatest of these is love.”” Truer words never spoken. So glad you are enveloped in the most beautiful and fulfilling of emotions this day.
    Ps. I like being almost in your time zone 🙂 for a change.

  18. tu as raison ma Co !!
    quand on possède cela, on possède tout, bien plus que tous les “châteaux en Espagne”
    gros bizous

  19. One of the biggest blessing God can bestow upon us!

  20. Beautiful! How I would wish that for everyone too. You can see it in your faces.

  21. AMEN to that….
    There has never been a day when I have not been proud of you, I said, though some days I’m louder about other stuff so it’s easy to miss that.
    (stort ypeople)
    I second every word. And I fully believe also that what goes out comes back…

  22. my computer is playing up again (keyboard going wild…, jumping back, and thus including parts of new words, I’m sorry)
    should have been STORYPEOPLE

  23. Same as you, I’m feeling very fortunate and blessed, to had and have so much love in my life, in many colors, shapes and ways.

  24. Yes. I can’t say it more simply than that and I know how fortunate I am to be able to read and identify with what you have written.

  25. Such a beautiful family. You are blessed, and you know it.

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