The Ideal Man: Myth or Reality?

The Ideal Man: Myth or Reality?

The Ideal Man: Myth or Reality?

The Ideal Man: Myth or Reality?

The Ideal Man: Myth or Reality?


10 responses to “The Ideal Man: Myth or Reality?”

  1. Shelley Noble

    What a totally adorable street advertising and staged photo, Corey! Well done!

  2. What fun pictures . . .
    I think pretty much ideal, . . . don’t you?

  3. you two crack me up!!!

  4. Patti L

    I think the ideal man looks like a reality, in your case. However his girlfriend is a little flat and I imagine she doesn’t know how to kiss.

  5. She seems like the silent type and quite tall, at that. My bet is he’ll come running back to you. Keep us posted as to how it all comes out.

  6. I just celebrated my 36th anniversary with my wonderful husband who is perfect for me … so yes, I would say the ideal man DOES exist !! I am thankful I found mine. 🙂

  7. Haha . . . Love FH sense of fun . . . He certainly plays along. Tell him thanks!

  8. Marilyn

    oh that two-timer!
    Happy! Very cute!

  9. Rebecca from the pacific northwest — home again!

    what a goofball. Or a, what is it you say? A dingdong.

  10. I think this is so cool that French husband played along with it ♥ Well done to him .
    Corey just wanted to ask you about a post you did a LONG time ago, it was about Door Knockers, you know the little hands .. would you be able to tell me what year you did it. I would like to link your post to mine, if you don’t mind. Thanks Anne x

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