How Do You Find Your Way?


Postcards from Moustiers France




"According to the legend, during the crusades the knight Bozon de Blacas was held prisoner by the Saracens; he vowed to hang a star over his village of he was able to return. No one knows how the star was originally hung there." via wiki



Postcards from Moustiers France


"Above the town, between those two rocky mountains, a gold-painted star hangs on a 225m-long chain suspended between two cliffs. Its origin, according to a legend popularised by Provençal poet Frédéric Mistral, lies in the 10th century; the original star and chain have been replaced several times since then. The current star is about 50 years old. Ten years ago it fell after the chain snapped, and was rehung using a helicopter." via wiki.


Postcards from Moustiers France


A golden star, 

still hangs,

thousands of years later,

it is the first thing you see,

and the first question you ask,

"How did they get it there?"



Where does my golden star hang?

Does it inspire others, as the one Moustiers inspired me?

Those were the questions I thought about…

Finding meaning in my everyday, listening to the symbols that present themselves to find my way.


Postcards from Moustiers France


How do you find your way?


17 responses to “How Do You Find Your Way?”

  1. Janet with Eiffel

    The world is such a sad place
    right now, signs and symbols are
    quite difficult to see.
    I think, probably, the only way
    is to love and be loved.
    Signs you can’t see, only just
    feel them.
    Then, somehow, I hope, all the other
    beautiful things will fall into place.

  2. Diogenes

    Great story and so wonderful the town wants to keep up the tradition!

  3. When I arrive at Marignane airport, it’s the herby, resiny smell of Provence that welcomes me. Then, when Mont Sainte-Victoire appears to my left, I am really on my way. The Basilique Sainte-Marie-Madeleine de Saint-Maximin is another milestone further on, then after the hairpin curve, then, when the three parasol pines, stand, magestic on my right, I am only kilometers away from home. At the sign that proclaims 1600 years of rosé wine making in my area, although I haven’t stepped through the door yet, I know I have arrived.

  4. I couldn’t get out of bed every day if I didn’t KNOW about the Lord!

  5. Kathie B

    I apply logic and reason to problem-solving.

  6. head in the sun

    What a surprising and thought-provoking question!
    I dunno!
    There seems to be an ancient light that lies in my bones that keeps pushing me forward.

  7. suzanna

    goals, dreams, and focus to move to France ~ lol

  8. Don’t know the answer but I like the question. Maybe being ok with not knowing….🌠

  9. Massilianana

    Corey this is the prettiest story I’ve read in à long time !!!
    And I guess I find my way using my intuition, what I feel.
    Have a nice week ! :0)

  10. Don’t you think the first guy used a bow and arrow to get the chain with star in the middle across to the other side? I always loved my first spotting of that star as we climbed into the village.

  11. Karen Carson

    How do I find my way? Faith, love, gratitude.

  12. Marilyn

    I love the story of the star.
    I hadn’t thought of how I get my way,
    I do believe I get come to my way by
    dreaming and leaping.

  13. I trust my instincts about situations and people, listen to my inner voice and stay informed, through what I hope is a variety of balanced sources. That being said, I’m having a tough time these days, finding my way through the realities of what is going currently going on in the world.

  14. tammyCA

    I think about stars a lot…symbol of hope and guidance. In our smoggy city night sky we only see one or two, maybe three…isn’t that sad? I have to remind myself that they are there, trillions, even if I can’t see them. The same with confusion & questions in the mind about life and the dark times of the world…remembering…there are stars.

  15. Cheryl in Wisconsin

    What a lovely story about the star.
    What a lovely question to be asked, even though I can’t answer it quickly… ?

  16. With teenagers fleeing the nest, I feel lost.

  17. peggy aplSEEDS

    What an interesting story and a lovely place to visit.
    How do I find my way? Same way as the three wise men who followed the star and found Jesus, the way, the truth and the life.

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