Chelsea and Mr. Espresso

Chelsea and Mr Espresso

Last night while having a drink with Chelsea, Mr. Espresso and my dear friend from Australia, Cheryl, I asked Chelsea and Mr. Espresso if I could take a photo of them. When Mr. Espresso said yes I knew that he was finally, after seven years, giving me permission to show his face on my blog. Even more shocking Chelsea did not make a face.




24 responses to “Chelsea and Mr. Espresso”

  1. What a good looking couple. Thanks Chelsea for not making a funny face!

  2. LauraInSeattle

    Mon Dieu! Things are a brewing in Mr. Nespressoland!!!
    What a great photo!

  3. They are a beautiful couple.

  4. La Contessa

    I thought MAYBE there was an announcement coming…………………..

  5. That is pure happiness…they are so incredibly beautiful.

  6. Hellllooooo Mr. Espresso. Welcome to the blogosphere. Don’t be afraid. The water’s warm and it isn’t too deep. You’ll be fine.

  7. upon re-reading the above post — I hope no one takes that the wrong way. I didn’t mean to suggest that we aren’t deep here. Because we are. Things can get very deep. But it’s not scary.

  8. You captured them well.
    How beautiful this couple is.
    What an honor to finally be able
    to share his photo. Thanks,
    Mr.Espresso and Chelsea too.

  9. it’s been 7 years!!!
    i can hardly believe it!
    i remember when you gave him the name… of mr. espresso!!!
    he got her an espresso machine, in her little apartment. and she made you a cup. isn’t that (close to) the post? :-))))
    what a lovely photo! worth waiting for.
    gentle hugs,
    (who is really mari-nanci, but you know that…) 🙂

  10. Shelley Noble

    Hooray!! Hello to this darling long-standing couple. Welcome to the online family, Mr. X!

  11. Shelley Noble

    That’s hilarious, ‘brewing’ HA!

  12. <3 <3

  13. This must mean it’s really, really serious! A beautiful couple.

  14. Uh Oh! I think you are going to have a son-in-law/love soon! He is very handsome, and Chelsea is beautiful.

  15. Welcome Monsieur Espresso!

  16. Beautiful picture!

  17. What a lovely couple. I was hoping for an announcement too. They look really happy and comfortable with each other.

  18. They make a lovely pair!

  19. Peggy Braswell

    omg + I hear wedding bells!

  20. Perfection!

  21. So cute . . . I love this picture. They both look so happy!

  22. Yes!

  23. gotta love a man in a suit!

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