The Ebb and Flow Cassis


Ebb and flow,

Give and take,

Love may it come steady upon your shore,

Soft, smooth, even…


And then when it goes back to the deep profound sea may it sing:


The Ebb and Flow Cassis

The Ebb and Flow Cassis

The Ebb and Flow Cassis

The Ebb and Flow Cassis


8 responses to “The Ebb and Flow Cassis”

  1. Barbara Snow

    I love Cassis. When I retire I want to live within 45 minutes of it. That’s the goal. Thanks for sharing the pics.
    Barb in Minnesota

  2. Lovely, thank you.

  3. Wish I were THERE — fell in love with Cassis during our visit. Would love to be sitting on the café patio, lazily sipping a cold drink.

  4. I am dreaming of putting my toes in this sand and water. So beautiful!

  5. Julia – Vintage with Laces

    It must be about 20 years ago that we spent some lovely days in Cassis. I hope we’ll visit again one day.

  6. oh Corey, you might like our beaches too, where I live, it’s not France though, hee hee
    try this: or
    heehee, beautiful, but for me: not France nor Cassis: LOL

  7. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    What a nice afternoon with your friend. Even though it was cloudy. (Come to think of it, every afternoon with a friend tends to be nice.)

  8. head in the sun

    lovely words.

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