I counted every star in the evening sky while telling myself to go to sleep.
Who would have thought that sleeping in ones own bed would not have been easy?
Blame it on those wires and straps of the testing equipment.
Yes, I had the Apnea test done at home.
The entire night passed while I concentrated on not holding my breath. Instead of dream land I was in mindful land… which actually sounded like a a warped mantra:
"I do not want to sleep the rest of my life with a mask and a machine next to me, breathe Breathe in – breathe out. I do not want to sleep the rest of my life with a mask on my face, breathe …"
Thank you for your concern and wishes.
Caring even when far away and through the internet is like a modern day guardian angel.
The results will come soon, and I will let you know.
Angels never take a break.
Are you a deep sleeper?
Do you sleep eight hours a night?
What is your bedtime routine?
Do you sleep with PJs? A nightgown? In the nude? With a tee shirt?
I like to sleep with the window open, in a nightgown, next to French Husband at my side.
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