A Daily View From Where I Live

A daily view in the south of France


A daily view from where I live:



corey amaro tongue in cheek blog



The blue sea.


French flower market tulips corey amaro tongue in cheek blog







France, corey amaro tongue in cheek blog


Olives a plenty.


Apples corey amaro tongue in cheek blog


Seasonal fruit.  


Antique moustache hinge corey amaro tongue in cheek blog


Beautiful hinges.


French-Spice-shop-door corey amaro tongue in cheek blog


Colorful shutters.


French antique Textiles Corey Amaro



Amazing fabrics from a time lost.



Vars-clock corey amaro tongue in cheek blog


Churches with bell towers and clock faces.


Antique tiles in the var, france


Tiled floors.


Pink-bicycle corey amaro tongue in cheek blog


Baskets and bikes.


Fatima French door knocker



A sure thing on most back streets.



corey amaro tongue in cheek blog


In every village.


Baguettes corey amaro tongue in cheek blog



At any bakery.



corey amaro tongue in cheek blog


A street in France.


Bistro vivienne corey amaro tongue in cheek blog



Cafe Vivienne in Paris



corey amaro tongue in cheek blog



Le Jardin d’Emile Cassis


corey amaro tongue in cheek blog


The Grotto of Saint Marie Madeleine.


11 responses to “A Daily View From Where I Live”

  1. Hey, you just listed all the reasons why my number 1 goal is to live there!

  2. Ellen Bulterman

    Beautiful images, Corey! I love these little snippets of your life.

  3. Love it all. The only thing like where I live are the apples. Can I come and live with you. I can bring apples.

  4. Great pictures, Corey. Those seem like very reasonable prices for olives, one of my favorite foods.

  5. Beautiful

  6. Like Marilyn can I come live with you too?

  7. Tara Dillard

    Most USA children are growing up starved for beauty, and are unaware.
    Neural pathways in the brain, for beauty in architecture, color, carpentry, iron mongering, stone, flow, scale, history, more, left unmade.
    In my beautiful tiny garden I live as beautifully as your landscape. By choice. And, it’s a blue color neighborhood of cluster homes styled as brick boxes.
    Could not move, $$$ was scarce due to alcoholic 30 year marriage, now ended !! Go me. Yet the deeper joy is in having created joy & grace within the realm I had. Not the one I wished for.
    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  8. Corey, These look like pages from your future book. The question begins how to choose from your thousands of wonderful images!

  9. jacque lynn

    Corey, so happy you do not have sleep apnea. Today’s images are so beautify and capture Provence that my heart longs for. I must get back this year.
    Also, I cannot find the Rodin museum visit you made and photographed in Paris. I looked up archives in August and September. Please tell me where it is.
    To your good health and wonderful site and your giving heart.

  10. Great pictures!

  11. Cheryl in Wisconsin

    Gratitude and appreciation are priceless. And now I’m hungry for olives.

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