Sleep Apnea… Why I Fall Asleep so Easily

A.p.n.e.a. NO


My doctor called to tell me I do NOT have sleep apnea.

W O N D E R F U L     N E W S!

Doesn't answer the question why I can fall asleep wherever whenever, but at least I do not have to where that machine!

Still cannot drive a car… maybe I should drink coffee and coca cola?

Thank you Dede for taking my photo!


45 responses to “Sleep Apnea… Why I Fall Asleep so Easily”

  1. Now to find the answer to the problem. I am glad you don’t have sleep apnea………………Much love

  2. Wonderful photo! Congratulations on the health news. The CPAP machine is literally a life changer (for my husband, at least) and life saver, but all of us hope we won’t need it.

  3. Julie Loeschke

    Great news!!

  4. Wonderful news, Yipeee. Those photographs today are some of your best. Just lovely. Can’t wait to be there!

  5. Have you been tested for narcolepsy?

  6. Wonderful!

  7. Sleep apnea is scary! So glad you got good news.


  9. I’m happy for you but still am a little worried about the falling asleep so easily thing. I’m sure there’s an answer.
    But I do not think Coca Cola is it.
    I’ll let you know if I have a better idea.

  10. Carolyn Mallin

    Yay, so happy to hear that you don’t have sleep apnea. The machines are hard to wear. My husband is supposed to wear one and can’t tolerate it. Worries me.

  11. Shoot, I’d give up driving a car any ole day. I hate driving.
    Good news!!

  12. Great photo C! Glad to hear the good news.

  13. ruth ribeaucourt

    I LOVE this photo of you and am so so happy for you that you got this result! Great news!
    I need to see your big smiley face – when are we going to do a visit? xxxx

  14. Susan young

    Ouaissssss!!!!!!! Bravo!!!

  15. Congrats on not having to wear the machine.
    My teenaged son likes to read aloud to me from his favorite on-line fantasy stories. I start out wide awake and then after about 5 minutes, my eyes get heavy and then after about 8 minutes I have to lay down and then soon I’m asleep. It’s like a drug. Maybe the sounds and motions of riding/driving are to you like my son’s reading aloud. Irresistibly sleep inducing.

  16. Shelley Noble

    Great news! Great photo!

  17. -waving hand-
    It’s me again Corey, and again, I can not comment here. On my own.
    Only way, is to hop onto another already published comment.
    -pout- -pout- -pout
    “Here there be musing” blog

  18. So I will now comment below, the comment I wanted to, at the start. ,-)
    Now to find out, what causes it. Best of luck to your docs, on doing that.
    But still hooray, you don’t have to wear that “machine”. 🙂
    Gentle hugs,
    “Here there be musing” blog

  19. Annnnnd, as long as I am on a roll…….
    What happened to your blog look?
    All of a sudden, the dimensions here, have changed. Where your words/photos show, is narrower. And your sidebar is narrower too. But it is especially sad, that I have to click on your picture, to really seeeeeeee, how happy you are.
    How come this change?
    Do you want this change, in the way, your blog shows up? I kind of doubt it.
    Just saying…
    Gentle hugs,
    “Here there be musing” blog

  20. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Well THAT’s a joyful look. But um, what IS the reason you fall asleep in cars? Are you going to try to pursue it further?

  21. Very cute photo! 🙂
    Hmmm….I, too, was wondering about narcolepsy. Once upon a time, I had a boyfriend who had narcolepsy. It was rather disconcerting during college study sessions or whilst telling him some exciting (to me) tale to see him just nod off. The hum of a car would do it too. Worth checking!

  22. I’m SO glad to read your news today! Darling photo! 🙂

  23. I was thinking the same thing that Ann mentioned. Narcolepsy. I worked with a lady who fell asleep while driving twice and rear ended a vehicle each time and luckily was not injured. She would even fall asleep at work sitting at her desk. She was diagnosed with narcolepsy and is on medication now and doing great. It would sure be worth mentioning to your doctor. And yes, it is great news that you don’t have sleep apnea!

  24. Concur with several above that perhaps testing for narcolepsy will reveal more info, and potential management of the condition. Best wishes.

  25. Happy for you. I think you are just so happy with life and relaxed that it is easier than most to fall asleep.

  26. YAY…YAY… YAY, teriff news..having a lot of creative energy, not wanting to miss a thing, hee hee, we can get sleep when and where we can, LOL… naps for 15 minutes are amazing, wake up so rested too! hee hee

  27. I have the same problem as you, Corey. I can’t drive for longer than an hour without becoming seriously drowsy. Being on the computer makes me drowsy too………………………….in fact, I just fell asleep amid typing this!

  28. t es magnifique

  29. jend’isère

    Never a doubt that you were sleeping through life!

  30. Great news it is not sleep apnea Corey. Hope they get to the bottom of it soon for you though.

  31. So glad to hear that!!

  32. Good news. Yay!! Had similar issues. Turned out to be thyroid.

  33. Peggy Braswell

    great news! + glad you don’t have Sleep apnea + yeah!!

  34. Good news for you!…. my sleeplessness was helped a lot by reading a small book called “Insomnia Cures”. My nurse practitioner, herself a “mature woman”, recommended that I read any book that had a cognitive behavioral approach to the problem. Turns out she was right! Just doing a few simple things like turning the bedroom clock around helped…. now, if I wake up, it generally takes me just a few minutes to fall back asleep! heaven!

  35. Teresa Young

    Glad its not the sleep apnea! My daughter, has narcolepsy and that is what she does…like I was telling you. Can they not run the test for that also? Or did the test cover that? Take care!! Hugs!

  36. Wonderful news for you! Several years ago, I had similar symptoms, and after the doctor conducted a long series of tests, he concluded that I had none of the conditions he suspected. When I asked him then why do I fall asleep all the time, he responded, “Because you are tired”!

  37. Oh good news. In fact, great news. Now, go take a nap 🙂

  38. HURRAY!!! So happy to hear the good news! 🙂

  39. Good news, can’t imagine wearing that machine; I need this test. Hope my results are the same as yours. Hopefully, soon you will have all your answers regarding sleep. My new job schedule has me falling asleep on the way home from work – have to pinch myself. Lol
    Ps. You look simply gorgeous in this phot!

  40. Jennifer Phillipps

    Great news – well done for getting the necessary tests done!
    You can now sleep well knowing you sleep well!
    Cheers from NZ!

  41. Woo Hoo!!! Happy to know …

  42. La Contessa

    I did that test too!I too was NEGATIVE.
    Still would love to know why I’m so tired!
    back home great trip………….XX

  43. I knew two people with narcolepsy..they’d fall asleep in public..definitely get that checked out and good idea not to drive anymore.

  44. Such a sweet happy photo!

  45. Love the photo! Happy for the good news, but another idea…get your thyroid checked! In the middle years this butterfly gland can wreck havoc on our moods and energy!

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