When in Cassis

8 responses to “When in Cassis”
J’aime la ville de Cassis!
It has been overcast and blah here in Seattle the last few days and now is finally sunny. Your photos of Cassis always make me happy (and wish I lived there). The colors are outstanding!
oh darn, missed the mail nudes….I like #2 sepia one…..though it is a toss up, one has more gray as I see it here, like your colors, the other looks more sepia colored….from this view point so might be nice accent against the predominate grays…..”wish I were there”…….what a life….wow, XO, Leek soup sounds yummie ~
I Love Cassis! And I hope to go there one of these days…
Have a nice and sunny weekend, Monika -
Ahhhhhh. Thanks for putting a big smile on my face this morning!
Ooo la la! Can’t wait to see it this winter. A bientot, Corey
When in Cassis, manga, manga! xox, d
Waiting for the day I get here!
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