A Train Ride through Time



The familiar train ride home.

Crossing over the Rhone river,

A castle on either side, 

Villeneuve-les-Avignon and Avignon,

 Face to face.

Tree lined borders,

VanGogh's painted fields in golden hues,

A Cezanne sky.

Still Life History.

I held my cell phone against the smugged train window,

TGV speed and snapped a photo.

No paint brushes,

Nor oil paint, not even a smock,


A miracle of another era capturing the same truth.




The Color or Light Vangogh 


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The World is an Apple.







8 responses to “A Train Ride through Time”

  1. head in the sun

    too right – ’tis beautiful.
    Like a Turner painting – his smudgy colours.

  2. Love the way you see things. Hey, what’s up with Annie?

  3. Shelley Noble

    0UGH! I love what you did with this image, Corey! Driving me mad. Such a marvelous dreamy storybook charm. Please oh please, do you remember how you achieved it?? (The Photoshop slipper is now on the other foot, eh?!)

  4. That’s amazing…your cell phone photo like a master’s painting.

  5. I wish any of OUR photos out the TGV window had turned out so artistically!

  6. Hi Shelley, I do not use Photoshop because it is too complicated and heavy. Instead I use either Picmonkey, Typepad’s program or Instagram. With this photo I used an Instagram filter Lo-Fi, Tilt Shift and Contrasting. Easy to use without any need to understand. Thank you!

  7. So gorgeous, I want to be there.

  8. Lana Kloch

    dearest corey.. i miss your writings and returned to your blog to be in touch with you again… i do not regret it. your words are poetry and lift and inspire me.
    thank you for transporting me to a journey i love..
    hugs aplenty,
    lana cano kloch

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