What a Flirt the French Brocante is!

French Brocante corey amaro French Antique Engraving The Bastille


What is up with the brocante? Oh, a lot. Always a lot, which is a good thing, I could never say, "Been there done that." Which is, by the way, something I can hardly stand hearing. I guess I never grow tired of being at the brocante, seeing the old stuff being unpacked, hearing the chatter in the background, "What did you find? How much did you pay? Are you going to sell it? How much? Can you do a better price?" Because in an odd way it is a French heartbeat. When I go to the brocante I see old things that have a history of the land, a lifestyle, stories unfold with conversations with the antique dealers, at the brocante I have discovered out of the way villages, met people and have picked up tons of French vocabulary. l


French Brocante corey amaro French Antique Lace




It is true, you know, what they say, the best way to learn a foreign language is to fall in love. That is how I learned to speak French… at the brocante in France. And while learning French I learned a few more French things: History, culture and occasionally about wine, and flirting. Brocanteurs love to flirt. Harmless, entertaining pass time while seeking out old stuff. 




French Brocante corey amaro French Orange Blossom Wreath Fragment


French Husband is known for buying coffees for brocante dealers. At the brocante flirting isn't anything more than acceptable amusement. Good humor in the wee hours.




French Brocante corey amaro French Antique Medal


Of course, even if there wasn't flirting, I would still go. Go. It is a drug. Living in France with all these brocantes, auctions and "in the know addresses", it is a wonder I can sleep.



French brocante online



Well the French brocante ever became blasé for me?

Seriously I bet not.

I have had this passion since I was 14 when I went antiquing with my mom and Aunt Marie.

Drug of choice.



French Brocante corey amaro Looking Glass



Antiques are the true coquetry teasing me constantly:

"Look closely, come closer, touch me… here I am take hold!"


"Don't you want me?"

And then those words in French. God French is sexy isn't it even if it is talking about brocante (I was going to say junk, but thought I better not… sniff.)



French Brocante corey amaro Bobbin and Portrait



French brocante France Corey Amaro Wine and Roses Painting


The brocante such a lovely place to be, where age is considered the true test of beauty.

The older the better.

Where wrinkles mean rich patina.

Yes, brocanting teases us to believe in a beauty that isn't defined to the modern version surrounding us. 



Locket Portrait Frame


Who wakes up at five and shaves, or puts on makeup.

The brocante welcomes all types, crumpled or combed.

It takes you the way you are, seduces, grabs you… and lets you find your delight amongst the collection of old things that still sing.




French Brocante corey amaro Angel Oil on Canvas Painting/pillow



Today I am adding more to my brocante online shop. 

Taking photos of the little bits rarely grabs the soulful feeling, or the ribbons strings that pulled at my heart. How can it? Fabric is meant to be felt. Touching old wares inspires.

Though most of all how the brocante pieces mingle,are spilled out with other like minded brocante pieces creates an atmosphere.

If you are ever in France… I am going to open a little shop and you can come by if you want. Send me an email. I am warning you… the stuff is addicting and you might want to move in just to snuggle up to the bits and pieces of happiness.


When are you coming?



12 responses to “What a Flirt the French Brocante is!”

  1. Very soon, I hope. Wait, I just got back?!?

  2. Coming to see you on Saturday the 27th of June 2015!! A wonderful idea to have a wee shop at home. On my last trip I hooked up with your friend Jill of Le Trip and she took us to the home of her friend who had a gorgeous shop set up in her spare room…oh what fun rummaging. The lady didn’t speak English so luckily Jill was able to be the interpreter.
    Love hearing about your brocante experiences and can’t wait to see them through your eyes.
    Tickets booked and paid for! ; )

  3. Madame in Bangkok

    No ????? I will stop for sure in December . Congratulations

  4. If wishes made it so I would be there for a 5AM adventure tomorrow with you. Dreaming!

  5. 24/7 in France

    Felicitations – will swing by (can you tell I am a dancer?) if I get over your way!

  6. Corey, Just had to send you this blog post.

  7. My daughter & I are coming June 29-july 8. We are staying at Vicky Archer’s rental and we want to brocante. Would love to see your shop and brocante with you!

  8. Darlene Schueler

    Was supposed to be taking granddaughter summer 2015 right before she enters middle school or grade 6. However, good and bad news is her mom, my daughter, is getting married. She can’t take the time off to travel with us, so summer of 2016 or maybe Christmas 2015. What do you think?

  9. Visiting your neck of the woods has always been on my list. My friend said Paris and I said Provence, she won. BUT next time I swear, I will have my way.
    I dream about meeting you and your famous husband! Oh, if I met Annie, I think I’d faint with excitement. Then, I would go shopping…oh, you betcha I would.

  10. Rebecca from the pacific (wet) northwest

    Brother Mat will love this post.

  11. If I had the money I would go today. It has been my dream for many years to live in France and to meet you Corey, so , If you do buy your shop please let it have a little flat above that I can live in and then work in your shop. Please please!!

  12. mundenliana@hotmail.com

    I would love, love to come to your little shop and also go to some Brocantes. I will have to really plan to come. Wish the flights weren’t so dang long (24 hrs. for me). Hope to meet you one day.

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