Walking in the Countryside

France Provence Corey Amaro Walking in the Countryside


I am back to walking the countryside.

The leaves wave in Autumn shades.

When will I need warmer clothes?

I only own one pair of socks. Bare legged or tights but socks?

I started walking again (five miles a day) because my daughter thinks it would be fun to run a 10 k race this March in Paris. Sometimes I wander if my daughter needs glasses. I can barely run around the block. I told her she could sign me up for the 8k walk.


I will try to walk the 8k faster than I can walk the 5k. I guess I better time myself, and oh buy running shoes… whatever they are called, I haven't owned those kind of shoes since the big bang.



Walking in the Countryside


Do you run?

Do you own running shoes?

Or socks?

I don't even have sports clothes.



Walking in the Countryside



Sacha, Fabrice (Sacha's friend from childhood, and Chelsea are going to do the 10 k. in Paris. Maybe Mr. Espresso? Yann says he cannot because his back won't support it. And I am going to wallk  it, and train I doubt I can run all of it, but walk and run I know I could.

I am glad to think my daughter thinks I am a super hero! To think she asked me to run!





20 responses to “Walking in the Countryside”

  1. It sounds like a fun event! I only run to sales racks or garage sales. However I do walk a lot. Good cotton socks are really important. Walking shoes are different from running shoes so be sure you get the shoes built for walking with a good arch.

  2. If you are walking instead of running, it is important to have the right shoes and the proper fit. (i agree w/martina). Do get them now. You will be surprised how much more comfortable they are than street shoes. Mine are leather & in warm weather I wear them without socks as leather is very warm for me. In colder weather socks should be worn. Really the shoes do make a difference in how the walk affects you. Enjoy the walks!

  3. C, is this run for a charity? I am actually doing a run for my son’s hs school counselor who died unexpectedly after a motorcycle crash. He left behind 2 small children and all $$$ go to the children’s education fund.
    But, it is my first run too. Hope I make it!

  4. Go for it! I started really exercising about 3 years ago and have not looked back. Do get a good pair of shoes, socks and there are some great exercise clothes out there that look pretty good on women over age 40…:)What a great goal!

  5. Laurie SF

    Corey, finishing a race is incredibly empowering. Run in your Father and Shelley’s honor. You will finish much faster than you think.
    By the way… this clydesdale has been running long distance since 1996..
    May the wind be at your back 😉

  6. Maybe you can get someone to ride a bike in front of you holding up pictures of brocante items you want – that might be inspiring, lol. I think running shoes are chaussures de tennis, but I could be wrong.

  7. No, I don’t run, just walk the treadmill & elliptical for low impact. It should fun for you & your daughter to do the races.

  8. Oh good for you Corey. I definately could not run and I doubt that I could even walk 10K. Or if I did it would take me all day! I do like to walk though and try to walk for at least an hour each day. Yesterday I was walking in the woods close to my home taking lots of photos of the autum colours.
    I do own socks, lots of them for sport and wearing with my shoes in the winter months. I hate tights and avoid them at all costs, although those thick black ones are not so bad. I just bought myself a new pair of “running shoes” (walking for me), as I am off to Granada next week and will be doing lots of walking.
    Keep up the good work or should I say walk? Take care.

  9. Good luck. I do not run, but also have a daughter who suggests crazy things that would do me in!

  10. I own a collection of walking / running shoes. Why, you might ask? In search of comfort and fit and you just don’t know until you walk / run a mile in those shoes. Though I would NEVER wear them to walk the streets of Paris (that doesn’t sound quite right but you know what I mean), I was so happy to be in shape to walk miles and miles and miles non-stop during my recent visit. The walking, treadmill and spinning (bike) allowed me to do that. It’s amazing how you can build up your tolerance and feel so much better in a number of ways as a result of running / walking. My daughter just ran a 5K in NY, in a tutu!

  11. My daughter also wanted to register me for a run a while back and like you I told her I would do the walk. I said “I can’t run because my head bobbles.” She is still shaking hers…
    Good luck Corey!

  12. Peggy Braswell

    get a good pair of walking shoes + a good pair of cotton socks + yes, daughters are wonderful.xxpeggybraswelldesign.com

  13. There is nothing like walking to make you feel absolutely alive. I don’t walk every day, but more days than not and the rest of the day is always better because of it. What a wonderful thing to walk/run with your children! Of course, you are a superhero.
    One of our good friends and walking partners recently passed away. As some of us were walking this morning, we thought we would have a walk dedicated to her honor sometime soon, opening up the walk to several in our small community. Perhaps as a fund raiser, perhaps not, but what a way to remember her smiling face by walking together on a (hopefully) glorious sunny autumn day.

  14. Second everyone who recommends good cotton socks, to absorb foot-sweat and reduce the risk of blisters. Farmboy Husband and I both did a lot of running in our 30s (including 10K races), but the infirmities of old age long ago caught up with us, alas.
    Corey, I predict that no matter how well conditioned you are from training for this event, you’ll be one of the slowest participants — because undoubtedly you’ll be stopping to take pictures the whole way ;-)))))

  15. The only way I run is to a flea market! And even then it’s more of a fast walk, get out of my way, I’m in the moment type of focus.

  16. Having retired from Nike, I do own a few pairs of running shoes. But no running for me, just walk. I love walking. With walking you don’t need so many athletic clothes, just shoes. Now socks are another story. I have a love/hate relationship with them. I wear them in the winter, but resist as long as possible. You will do just fine with a fast walk. Your vineyard photos are gorgeous! The lighting speaks of Autumn.

  17. Franca Bollo

    I run mostly for my sanity and a bit for my vanity. Okay, a lot for my vanity.

  18. Hi Corey, I started walking last year at about a mile a day and am now up to 3-4 per day. The best tool I have is an app called Map my Walk. It’s free and it will keep track of your milage for the day, week and then month. It was a really great tool for me as I would try to better my distance each week and it gave me a real sense of accomplishment. I also made 5 days a week my goal and if I did 6 in a week, it was a bonus for me. Good Luck with your goal of 8k, I’m sure you’ll be able to do it easy!

  19. You sound like me because I’m just getting back to daily walking after years of not.. I’m 59 and thought I’d better start taking better care of myself. I’m only up to 1.5 or 2 miles per day so far.
    Walking around the San Joaquin Delta river area near the water always makes me feel so good afterwards. The sound of birds and fish jumping makes the walk so enjoyable.
    I did go out and buy a pair of New Balance shoes and some “shorty” socks.. very comfortable. I didn’t own any exercise stuff either.
    It’s surprising how quickly your stamina builds each day. Have fun with it, Corey!

  20. it’s organized by a non profit called Adicare and the €€€ will go to cardiology research !
    “Cеttе cоursе еst аvаnt tоut un mоmеnt dе détеntе еt dе sоlіdаrіté еn fаvеur d’unе cаusе dе sаnté publіquе. Unе pаrtіе dеs rеcеttеs dе lа cоursе (іnscrіptіоns, dоns…) sеrа dоnc rеvеrséе à l’аssоcіаtіоn Adіcаrе (rеchеrchе еn cаrdіоlоgіе).
    L’іdéе еst dе cоurіr pоur sа prоprе sаnté tоut еn cоntrіbuаnt à аmélіоrеr cеllе dеs аutrеs. Dеs clаssеmеnts pеrmеttrоnt аux pаrtіcіpаnts dе cоnnаîtrе lеur tеmps еt dе cоntrіbuеr еn fоnctіоn dе lеur pеrfоrmаncе à аugmеntеr lе mоntаnt rеvеrsé à Adіcаrе.”
    you can do it !! i can hardly run 3k now !! and i think i need a better sportsbra ! my boobs bounce around way to much hahaha
    Let’s go sports-clothes-shopping 😉

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