Home Coming

Home Coming



Home coming: My mother's hugs full of happy tears wetting my neck. My nieces and little nephews running to greet me screaming, "Aunt Coco!", the smell of my childhood home and cookies in the cookie jar and an instant five pounds gained. The sunrise over the Willow creek, familiar faces, English full speed, friends that make me feel that no time has passed between us.

Home coming love abundant, a worn path, comfort and joy.

A blessing.


Home Coming



My niece Patti picked me up in San Francisco. I tried to stay awake home but could barely. Patti understood and drove on. I love her so!


Home Coming


Gathering love

giving love

gathered love

Seeds for tomorrow.


Home Coming


The blue heron greeting me on my walk,

the long never ending canal banks with the harvest fields on the either side.

Home. Golden harvest.

Oh home!

After my walk I took a bowl of pasta and sat on the back door steps.

Home, kick my shoes off and feel the earth that has rooted me and made my heart bloom.

Oh home!


Home Coming



My nieces sat snuggled up on the sofa, we watched One Direction, over and over again and again as we passed around the popcorn bag around and munched, I felt lucky to be included. We talked about how utterly cool it would be to go together to their concert together. 

I gotta get tickets to One Direction for my five nieces… BUCKET LIST.



Home Coming


And my mom standing in the kitchen

constantly cooking and baking.


Making love.

Serving love.

Home Coming!!



19 responses to “Home Coming”

  1. Welcome Home Sweet Corey!

  2. Joy Haefke

    Enjoy your time home! It would be fun to see those nieces making chocolate kisses today! Incidentally, I’m sure you’ve been told by now, but your blog is loading lightening fast now. Thanks for fixing that!

  3. Oh, so much emotion and love in your words. Enjoy every moment, Corey!

  4. Oh so wonderful to be loved! The mental photo of you and the nieces on the sofa eating popcorn and watching One Direction was so sweet.

  5. I love all of your pictures and word pictures too. So happy for you, your Mom and your Willows family!

  6. Diane Belforte Lewis

    Oh, just the sight of that beautiful canal…….thanks Corey!

  7. Oh the thrill of it all.
    Being home in your families
    sweet embrace, the very best!

  8. Enjoy every minute of your time with your family in the USA Much love

  9. Your mother has such a beautiful home. Isn’t it wonderful walking the orchards and canals. Blue herons are so majestic and I see them up in my neck of the woods too. No matter how much time you spend away from your childhood home, it’s like you were just there yesterday. What a wonderful feeling. Thank you for sharing your beautiful memories and the happiness in your family.

  10. LOVE … In your heart mind pix words. ENJOY
    Love from France


    Ah making memories…..always the best…may need to make your journey semi annually!

  12. La Contessa

    I sent you an email yesterday………..please check your inbox!

  13. Peggy Braswell

    enjoy your time at home + blue herons aren’t they something wonderful + all the love from your family xxpeggybraswelldesign.com

  14. I need to come to France, all I can say today! xo been gone here, computer acting goof goof….

  15. This post made tears appear. Remember so well all of those feelings..especially the part about sitting on the back door steps. I too come from a farming family. May your visit be one blessing after another.

  16. So happy you are home & feeling good. It is food for our soul to be in that place where we grew up especially with a family as incredible as yours.

  17. This wonderful, warm homecoming post was made on my birthday, Nov. 4. Love is the most amazing gift, and that with family is timeless. How precious to be welcomed back as though you never left.

  18. Celeste Coelho

    So lovely to see that canal flowing full Corey. We hear the horrors of the drought over here on the right. Happy, happy, happy you are home! Breath it in for me and Celeste.

  19. Lana Kloch

    you are an angel.. to bless your mother and your family by being home for thanksgiving. you’ve had a full year already
    your poetry expressing your gratefulness for being among your all so large family helps me appreciate what i have.
    you are one of a kind corey amaro…
    so glad to be receiving your e-mails again and now readable. laughing at the computer hijinks..

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