I Love Lucy

I Love Lucy

I Love Lucy

I Love Lucy

I Love Lucy


For those of you who have been fatihful to reading my blog you might recall a mistreated abandoned kitten name Lucy?

My brother Mat and his family took her in…

I thought you might want to see her three years later.

How she was :



Do you have a loved pet, that is family?


23 responses to “I Love Lucy”

  1. Yes…7 dogs to be exact. Rescue animals are the best.

  2. Lucy looks great! We have Scarlet, the orange cat, rescued from West LA Animal shelter as a kitten, who will be 20 next year. You met her when you were here. She says hello and asks when you are swinging by LA.;-)

  3. Lucky Lucy.

  4. Nicolette I am so happy to read your comment first as I often do not fully disclose the number of animals in my house-all strays abandoned or streeted also ferals-so with all my heart THANK YOU for your big heart-RESCUES ARE THE BEST!!

  5. 20 years -a true testament to a good loving home-Thank you for taking a chance and rescuing a rescue!!

  6. Well my last arrival is very similar to Lucy-he was going to be “so adoptable” according to my vet-well for three months he lived here was known as kitten coughlin and no inquiries at all- so it went kitten to give me a kiss to kissee to his final name Kiss Kiss-He is the happiest cat in the world-never cross or tail down ALWAYS RUNNING TO THE NEXT ADVENTURE-he arrived shortly before Hurricane Sandy so 2 years with us-cannot picture the house without him-although he does try my patience ALOT. My only girl feral is PRINCESS TRIXIE LULU BELLE-dominate over all the boys-rules with an iron paw and my oldest boy- abused neglected and dumped SANDREW KITTY BOOM BOOM-he is a buff color -there are a couple more for another animal post-I am not a cat person I just took what GOD put in my path-there are ups and downs to pet ownership as with all things in life …. wouldn’t change it though!!

  7. It looks like Lucy is well loved and fits into the family just fine. Lucky cat!
    I had Daphne for 9 years and she died in 2003. Now her sister Cokie, which belonged to a friend, died this week at 19 1/2 years. That is an amazingly long time in cat years. Now I have joey, a orange marmalade and very huge cat. He is timid around strangers, but would follow me anywhere. He is sleeping under a blanket right now nearby. Yes, under so he can hide.

  8. Franca Bollo

    We put our 18-year-old rescue cat down last night. I have horribly swollen eyes this morning. Please give Scarlet some whisker scratches for me.

  9. Franca Bollo

    I second Gina’s comment. We rescue cats. There are sooo many animals out there that are in need. Thank you! And thank you to Gina, too.

  10. Franca Bollo-I am so sorry for your loss-it is a heartache different from other heartaches-I wish you peace in the memories of your sweet 18 year old rescue- WOW how lucky was that baby 18 years-testament to your love and care-it is never goodbye—- just until we see them again-

  11. My dear Maggie,saved from the pound along with her sister twelve years ago. Her sister died many years ago, but dear, sweet, Maggie is my loving doggie child. Sweetest dog ever!

  12. Tongue in Cheek

    Oh FB (C) I am so sorry to read your news. xxx

  13. He sounds lovely….a huge boy-just more to love!

  14. sibling animals-another beautiful bond-how wonderful Maggie is still with-sharing life with a sweet girl-love it!

  15. All of our cats (12, over the years, several at a time except for the first and last), as well as the dog, were rescues. I prefer to think of the superiority of their health, intelligence and dispositions as evidence of hybrid vigor :-)))

  16. So sorry for your loss. Kitty must’ve had a marvelous life, though, Chez Bollo.

  17. It’s interesting how Matt and Lucy both have the same color hair! 🙂

  18. I knew he’d fall in love with her 🙂
    Lucy is a lucky cat
    Haha bet he wouldn’t give her away now 😉

  19. Hugs Franca Bollo

  20. Lucy’s seduction of the Amaro family won’t be complete until we see a photo of COREY holding Lucy!

  21. Franca, I am so, so sorry to hear this. Sending hugs from LA. Scarlet gets brushed like clockwork every morning. If not we get yelled at.

  22. Teresa Young

    Frank, hugs to you.its terrible losing our fur babies.
    I love Lucy. She is beautiful. You know I would be photographing her if I was there.
    Hope you are having a great visit with your family!

  23. Leslie in Oregon

    Every condolence to you, Franca Bollo.
    We have two dogs who each came to us, as rescues, at 8 months old: Henry, a powerful but gentle Golden Retriever who is now 11.75 years old, and Bob, an adventurous Long-Haired Dachshund who is almost 9. Both are magnificent, loving dogs, and they make quite the pair. I don’t know what my husband and I would do without them!

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