Hidden Surprise


Hidden Surprise


When my nieces have my phone…
The best surprises are there.


Love notes. A reminder that I am loved, that these little beauties are my brother's daughters. That they are of my blood, of my memories, in my life and I am blessed because of their love.


Hidden Surprise


Marie is my brother Mat's daughter.

Molly is my brother Zane's daughter

and Kate is Mark's daughter.

I am their devoted Aunt Coco.



Hidden Surprise


I am not ever leaving.



13 responses to “Hidden Surprise”

  1. kelleyn rothaermel

    I can see in the future three young ladies coming to stay with their cool Aunt Coco!

  2. Encourage them to study the French language & all of them should do their Senior year of college in France as my niece did. Start planning (coercing) now. They are obviously so much fun.

  3. Corey,it must be so very difficult to have two homes! But then there is at least twice the love! You just need to come to the Willows home more often, these girls are growing up FAST!

  4. They are growing up fast and are so pretty!
    I know you are storing up more beautiful memories. Thank you for sharing with us as always!

  5. Give Mat’s cat the phone. We want to see her selfies. Although she may be too cool for it.

  6. This is just lovely-so BEAUTIFUL- all of you!!

  7. Could they not get more beautiful? And what fun it looks like they are having taking pics of themselves. Have you girls measured hair length yet? Who is this years winner?

  8. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    “I am not ever leaving.” That’s what you say in each locale of your life. And it’s the heart of you, and of why I love reading all your blog posts (even the ones I don’t comment on!)
    Yes indeedy, I think you have niece visits in your future. What a lovely idea! Then they can be the ones to meet a Frenchman, marry, and stretch between two places. Wait, did I say that out loud? Their daddies would be less than enthused about that prospect.

  9. Shelley Noble

    Cutest girls in cutest shots left for cutest auntie to find.

  10. So cute! Does your family know you are not leaving these cuties?

  11. Your family is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing the heritage that your parents built…it inspires me!

  12. teresa cesario

    Precious precious girls! How much fun their having with Auntie!! Can’t wait to see more of your visit Corey.

  13. That day was super fun Aunt Coco!!😀😊🌸

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