Saturday Art Saves: Why Pumpkin Pie…


Raspberry charlotte


Why Pumpkin Pie when you could have: 

Charlotte Framboise:

Crème légère framboise, gelée de framboises, biscuit aux amandes



Macaron Cake


French Husband wants to know why Pumpkin Pie when you could have:


Crème légère framboise et rose, gelée de litchis, framboises entières, biscuit croustillant et génoise.



Pineapple souffle 


Tradition that is why.

Pilgrims and Indians that is why.

Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie is like Paris without the Eiffel Tower that is why.


Macaron Ananas:

Crème légère à l'ananas, morceaux d'ananas frais, biscuit macaron.





Mont blanc dessert 

I know French Husband would like to ask my mom to lace the pumpkin pie with chocolate.


Mont Blanc:

Mousseline aux marrons, crème chantilly, morceaux de marrons, pâte brisée et crème d'amande


Do you have a favorite Pumpkin Pie recipe?



Note: The French desserts above are from:

  Le Daniel RENNES     13 Galerie du Théâtre : 02 99 79 33 81    19 rue Jules Simon : 02 99 78 85 82    ZA Saint Jacques de la Lande : 02 23 46 23 56


12 responses to “Saturday Art Saves: Why Pumpkin Pie…”

  1. I’ll have two of the Mont Blancs to go with my coffee this morning. To heck with my diet.
    My favorite Thanksgiving pie is pecan. My mother always made minced meat pies too for dessert, which were of the raisins, nuts, fruits, etc variety, not meat. They leaned more to the savory side, and she was the only one who really liked them.

  2. Shhhh–don’t tell anyone but I don’t like pumpkin pie (or mincemeat) both of which my Mother used to make for Thanksgiving so I got left out. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I’m with Yann….add chocolate!

  3. Family always had pumpkin and mincemeat pies when I was a kid, but I’ve never liked either one. Ever since I’ve been in charge, we’ve had apple or pecan pie!

  4. Why indeed?! Although I must say that the pumpkin pie deluxe (made with rum & bourbon) from Captain Dan’s Pirate Pastry Shop in Lincoln City, Oregon, is awfully good … and that’s where I’ll be picking up my Thanksgiving pies this year.

  5. My goodness, those dessert pictures are absolutely beautiful and I am sure delicious. I will have one of each, please. My Mother’s side of the family is Danish and we grew up with desserts every night and I appreciate exquisitely prepared desserts. I could hardly breathe while in Laduree’ in Paris with so many choices! My Mother’s pumpkin pie recipe is so perfectly spiced and creamy and I try and make it every year. Before she died last year, we would make the pies together. It is the crust that is so hard for me to duplicate (flaky and perfect). Do have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family! I am sure the month of memories you have gathered while visiting your family, will last you all year long until next year. I am sure, on the other hand, you are looking forward to seeing your husband and children in France and for the Christmas special events you share with them. You have the best of both worlds ! Enjoy.

  6. Bonnie Oliver

    I am from “The South of Louisiana” and our cuisine is thankfully influenced by the French & Spanish invaders. We never even bothered with pumpkin pie. Chocolate and Pecan are the usual choices. I’m making pecan with nuts harvested from my backyard. Whatever your choice, pie prepared and shared with loved ones is the key ingredient. Happy Thanksgiving.

  7. teresa cesario

    Pecan Mississippi, where I am flying to today to be with my parents, we will be having pecan pie. My favorite. I love pumpkin pie also but it has to be made with half and half and have whip crème on top.
    Your photos are absolutely beautiful!!!

  8. I’m from the north of Louisiana, and pecan (pronounced the French way, not like a pee can!) and chocolate pies were always on our Thanksgiving and Christmas tables, too. No pumpkin.

  9. Just the basic pumpkin pie recipe on the can. I would go along with your FH and ask for something else. Family likes the pumpkin pie.

  10. Betty Carlson

    I have never really missed pumpkin pie or gone out of my way to make it here in France. I suppose that is because we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving — it has always just seemed to be too complicated to do on a weeknight. It must be great to be in the USA for it!

  11. Marie Callender makes a good pumpkin pie. I do not cook much, but love pumpkin pie this time of year.

  12. After just losing thirty pounds with Weight Watchers, I am feeling that looking at these photos is making me gain weight! It just doesn’t seem fair there is such goodness to indulge in, but not without guilt. I do like pumpkin pie, and have never cared that much for the crust, so I think I will find a version that satisfies without remorse. Dammit.

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