The Clock Strikes

Corey amaro clock face


corey Amaro clock face


The time has come to say goodbye.

And to say hello.

Aurevoir Willows home!

Bonjour French home!

Twenty two hours door to door.





11 responses to “The Clock Strikes”

  1. Gut Reise! I return to Munich in two days, after a lovely visit to the States (including family in Alaska) but my travels will be shorter Thursday, only 14 hours door to door from Chicago. God bless your journey.

  2. 22 hours, eek! Wishing you empty seats next to you the whole way.
    They need to bring back the Concorde…

  3. Betty Carlson

    I always count down like that too before leaving the USA. Have a safe journey “home.”

  4. Wishing you safe travel. 🙂

  5. HOME SWEET HOME-on both ends!!!!!

  6. May God bless your journey, Corey.

  7. Boa viagem! Hope your trip is on-time and uneventful.

  8. The bitter sweet change of time…. Safe travels and lovely holidays!

  9. Do you sleep on the plane, as you do in cars? I hope the trip was as restful as it’s possible for it to be, although I imagine that excitement builds as you return to your other home.

  10. Safe trip to you, Corey, and thank you for the long visit with you in the coffee shop in Willows. There was so much to talk about so hopefully I will continue with you when I make it to France in the future. You have love of family on two sides of the world as well as in between from all of your bloggers……..Safe trip and have a lovely Christmas. Carole

  11. Welcome back to your French home.

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