Autumn in Provence, Crillion le Brave

Crillion le Brave


Provence in Autumn is:

A dramatic blue sky highlighted with a storm rolling in,

Vineyards colorful leaves waving their last farewell as they prepare for a winter's sleep,

The smell of truffles, dried figs and the boar's tracks.


Autumn in provence


Crillion le Brave


The summer crowd of tourist are gone,

the stones glisten and glow from the early morning frost,

Church bells echo,

The early morning hunters gather at the cafe to talk shop, while their dogs snooze on the steps.


Autumn in provence


Crillion le Brave


The vines show their paths along the old stones.

Like veins holding on to life.

The mistral sings, I wrap my wool scarf around my neck.

The morning chill fades with the day.


Crillion le Brave



Crillion le Brave



French Husband stood like a Juliette calling for her Romeo,

Though in this case he drank in the view.



Autumn in provence




Crillion le Brave



Picnics give way to fireplaces,

Melon to chestnuts,

Rose wine to Beaujolais,

Cherries to Clementines,



Crillion le Brave



Autumn in Provence is as if looking between two worlds…

The one of yesterday and the one of today.

You might think, "But Corey? The in between of yesterday and today doesn't exist?"

In which I would reply, "Yes, it is a small vast amazing space."


Autumn in provence



Crillion le Brave


Autumn tones,


Caresses ,

Early evenings that call for long conversations,

Red wine, fire and bundling up under blankets.


Crillion le Brave

Oh Autumn morning at Crilion le Brave.



7 responses to “Autumn in Provence, Crillion le Brave”

  1. like a song this post BEAUTIFUL all the way around!

  2. The hotel looks like its own village. It is wonderful, like a restful retreat. Of course I checked out the menu of the restaurant….it looks amazing.

  3. freefalling

    Beautiful words, as always (but this time just a little bit extra special).

  4. Maggie Schneider

    One of your very best blogs and stunning photos. I can’t wait!!!!

  5. This is utterly beautiful! Sometimes in life it’s the small vast amazing spaces that are the most wonderful ones.

  6. gorgeous!

  7. Corey,
    Do you know the artist Julian Merrow-Smith? He lives and works in the town where you are staying. If you are walking about and see a man painting who may have a precious little African adopted son, that’s Julian. His website is shiftingllight. Julian is superbly talented. He posts a painting every day, Ruth Phillips, his wife, has written a book about that area called CHERRIES FROM CHAUVAUTS GARDEN or something like that, about their adventures. They came from England. Look him up. You won’t be disappointed. marie

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