Chelsea in her Tiny Parisian Kitchen

Chelsea in her Tiny Parisian Kitchen


After work she

raced up four steep flight of twisty stairs

with a bag of groceries on one arm,

Chelsea whipped up a dinner.

Pumpkin apple soup with curry.


Chelsea in her Tiny Parisian Kitchen

Chelsea in her Tiny Parisian Kitchen


Zucchini bread stands guard of the advent calender I sent her from Willows.


Chelsea in her Tiny Parisian Kitchen

A teeny tiny Christmas tree with candy canes at the base.



Chelsea in her Tiny Parisian Kitchen


Soup and cheese galettes.

With mouthful of conversation and catch up tales.



11 responses to “Chelsea in her Tiny Parisian Kitchen”

  1. so sweet-I love the kitchen…and the menu sounds delish!

  2. Her kitchen is so cheery AND she is beautiful!

  3. She is delightful! Her kitchen is so cute, neat and clean. All that and a good cook too!! You must be very proud.

  4. Lana Kloch

    what more can you ask for this holiday than to be treated to a home cooked meal w/ the beautiful chelsea!
    what a beautiful home and beautifully prepared dishes..
    and the best.. tales and conversations, the sharing and the laughter.. if only the walls could talk..
    sending holiday greetings …

  5. Sweet petite!

  6. Chelsea’s tree is really cute. Love the candy canes on it …that’s an American thing right? For a small kitchen she seems to be able to make all sorts of delicious foods. Creative like her mom.
    Advent calenders…we always had those as children, and we loved them; I had forgotten about them.

  7. What a perfect little bijou pad for a bachelor gal! It reminds me of my days as a student (all those years ago!). Oh to be young and free and manage flights of stairs with a hop and skip and with groceries under arm. Wishing you a peaceful and joyous Christmas en famille Cory and a 2015 with lots more opportunities to pop in on Chelsey in her weeny Parisien digs!

  8. How sweet and a place for everything and everything in its place ! Downsizing and moving right now, I wish I had a place like Chelsea’s instead of what I am moving! Her place looks cozy and warm and a lovely place for you to be with her.

  9. La Contessa

    I wish YOU had sent me an ADVENT calendar……I did not see them this year!!!!
    How Gorgeous…..a tiny kitchen with a BIG BIG HEART.Dinner looks delicious!
    Merry Christmas…………enjoy PARIS.I know YOU will.If you have a moment pop over to Carla Coulson’s blog today and tell me what hotel that is dripping with greenery!There is still so MUCH for me to FIND THERE!!!I will be BACK…… stay in YOUR APARTMENT!XOXo

  10. Rebecca from the pacific nw

    I see she’s using an immersion blender. I love mine. Best small appliance I have.
    I like all the cheery red and white — would have liked to see more always more. And look! Her washing machine is wedged there under the counter?
    (sending love and support to Chelsea and Mr Espresso and his dad.)

  11. Love seeing a glimpse of Chelsea’s apartment.
    What a sweet little tree.

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