Christmas JOY

Christmas JOY in Paris


Christmas morning in Paris, the sky was blue, well rested and nobody was hungry after last night… the day called out; "Bike ride." Lucky for us there are bicycles to rent (public) on three different corners by our apartment.

For the fun of it, for a song, for Christmas, for health… we decided to go for a bicycling along the Seine.


Christmas JOY

Christmas JOY


Christmas Joy!


Christmas JOY


Christmas JOY


We rode along the waterway which is under the road and the bridges.


Christmas in Paris


I have been walking as you know which has nothing to do with bike riding. It is not so easy riding over cobbled stones.


Christmas in Paris



Sacha rides his bike about 25 Km a day in Paris.

I had to remind him I am not 22 years old.


Christmas in Paris

Christmas in Paris



Christmas in Paris


I am never going home. 


The reality that the "empty nest" is going to be empty forever, they are never moving back, never going to be little again…

I feel like saying a bad word.

And I did.

I am not going home without kidnapping them.


Bike Ride Christmas Paris



But as Sacha reminded me,

"First you have to keep up."



Bike Ride Christmas Paris



And I tried.

and tried, 

and tried,

and loved trying.


Bike Ride Christmas Paris



Over to Notre Dame.


Bike Ride Christmas Paris


Big decision:

Hot Chocolate


Vin Chaud.


Paris Christmas corey amaro



The winter light,

reflecting off the Seine,

My heart full,

Christmas morning.


Paris Christmas corey amaro


Bike tricks.


Paris Christmas corey amaro



The changing clouds could not damper the mood.

Nothing could.

Instead a theatrical set with our lives playing on it!


Paris Christmas corey amaro




Paris Seine Bicycle corey amaro


Pont Neuf


Paris Seine Bicycle corey amaro



Paris Seine Bicycle corey amaro



Paris Seine Bicycle corey amaro



Christmas Paris Family Corey Amaro



Merriest Christmas.




24 responses to “Christmas JOY”

  1. Well that’s an easy decision, go with the vin chaud. 😉
    Wonderful pictures and wonderful light with the clouds. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas!

  2. OMG!! I am SOOOOO jealous!

  3. So beautiful! Thank you for sharing Paris joy on Christmas Day. 🙂

  4. Al from Chicago

    Beautiful. Merry Christmas.

  5. Looks like you had a very special Christmas. Bike riding in Paris with family, how very wonderful. Merry Christmas to you.

  6. Thank you for the ride through Paris. The sky in your changing sky photo is spectacular! I so understand the feelings of missing your children. The happiness and melancholy that come together at holidays now. They are all so busy with their own lives-I remember being just like them! I want to whisper in their ears…”slow down, breathe in this time of family, of being together. It goes by so fast. You are together and then, POOF! you are gone.
    If I could have one wish it would not be for money or fame, I would wish to be able to turn the clock back and re-experience certains times and events. I would go back to the moment I picked up each of my kids at the orphanage, to the time Luke first tasted ice cream and was shocked that it was cold! To the first time he saw the moon and tried to reach up and touch it. To the time when Sophia came home from kindergarten and told me “Tomorrow is W day in the alphabet so I want to bring in woses (roses,) To the time Sophia and Luke painted each other, instead of the paper on their easels, the time Jack asked if I could make clothes using chopsticks (knitting needles) or if he could have a fish stick, so he could go fishing in the pond out back. All those little precious moments…

  7. Utterly wonderful! We are about to sweep all the grown children up to Cape Cod for the same!

  8. Merry Christmas!
    We enjoyed spending time today with our grown children and teenage grandchildren! Where did the time go? I wish they were babies again too. I wish you grandchildren someday, Corey and Yann.

  9. Lest I forget, continued prayers for Jean Luc.

  10. So beautiful.

  11. I feel exactly the same way. 🙁 knowing your children will never be home again is a reality that is hard to accept. I wish for a magic time machine where I could go back to when they were little sometimes. 🙂 Wonderfu pictures. A Paris bike ride with the family – a great way to spend Christmas Day together!

  12. Glad to see you had such a great time! You DO realize that every single one of the T-I-C followers is “frenvious” of your Paris excursion, don’t you? :-))) BTW, is it hard to ride on cobblestones? Looks to me as though it’d be pretty jarring.

  13. Merry Christmas to you all. Making memories of fun and laughter, love and joy, precious.

  14. I love this so much, Corey.

  15. Beautiful, beautiful photos of Paris and your family. Yes empty nesting is such a difficult time, our second and last child has recently moved into his own home with his girlfriend. This Christmas was the first time my husband & I had Christmas eve without at least one of our children at home and we had to accept that they wanted to have Christmas at their home, whilst we hosted my parents and extended family at our home. Nothing stays the same and new traditions are made as our children become young adults.
    Sending Seasons greetings to you and your family.

  16. Oops, I now see where you commented that it wasn’t easy riding over cobblestones! That’s what I get for mostly just looking at the pictures 🙂
    P.S Holiday hugs to Annie, Thierry & Père Espresso.

  17. “New traditions are made” — so true, Jenny!

  18. Thank you for sharing yet again, Corey! Merry Christmas! Your photos were like a special gift to not only me, but, to all your readers I am sure.
    My feelings are the same, although, my daughter says that I need to accept the change. We had Christmas Eve, Christmas morning & afternoon together before she left for her boyfriend’s family home. I keep saying to myself . . . . only 10 short years ago they were children!

  19. I don’t speak French but do understand vin chaud! No choice!
    Merry Christmas!

  20. La Contessa

    YEP…….they are NEVER coming BACK!IT’s a hard REALITY……………you and I are so very much a like in many ways!I loved this POST…………….what a gorgeous day you had…… do tell me hot chocolate or that HOT wine stuff??!!!XO

  21. Teresa Young

    BEAUTIFUL Pictures…BEAUTIFUL FAMILY….Thank you for sharing your day….You are such a beautiful family. Blessing to you! Dave & Teresa

  22. labergerebasque

    me too!

  23. labergerebasque

    me too!

  24. labergerebasque

    me too!

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