Prayers for Jean-Luc… UPDATE

Chelsea and Mr Espresso


Chelsea's boyfriend's (Mr.Espresso) father Jean-Luc was hit by a car in an intersection before Christmas. He has been in the hospital ever since. Please pray for courage, grace and healing as he goes into surgery today to have part of his leg amputated.

He will remain in the hospital for awhile to come.

The family thank you for the many prayers said, emails and messages asking for news and sharing your good thoughts.

If you would like to send a card please email me. Thank you. 


28 responses to “Prayers for Jean-Luc… UPDATE”

  1. Lana Kloch

    oh corey, i did not know about the accident. i am sending prayers for a positive outcome to his surgery and a speedy recovery.
    can you e-mail me the address and i will send out a card tomorrow? thank you

  2. Lana Kloch

    i’m sorry, it is to chelsea’s boyfriend’s father. still i would like to send a card of support.

  3. Thank you for the update. I had hoped the “no news is good news” idiom was being fulfilled, but now I wish him a speedy recovery and great courage and hope as he faces his recovery.

  4. Oh, Corey. I am so sorry! I will be praying.

  5. Break my heart! So sad! Praying for his family!

  6. Oh, Corey,
    Sending prayers and healing energy to Jean-Luc.
    Strength and courage.

  7. Oh dear. This must be so difficult for everyone. Prayers are being said.

  8. OH COREY-It is with a heavy heart I read this … needless to say I am keeping him and the entire family on both sides close in heart PRAYERS CONTINUING!!

  9. I am so very sorry to hear this. I am wishing Jean-Luc a speedy recovery and am praying for him.

  10. He and his family have been in our prayers…thank you for giving a progress update. I’m so sorry to hear he faces surgery. Praying for the best possible outcome.

  11. I’m so sorry to learn of this news, but hope that Père Espresso’s surgery is successful so that he’ll be walking again soon. Please tell him that T-I-C followers are thinking of him and sending our best wishes for a good recovery. Abraços.

  12. REbeccaNYC

    Thank you for the update. This must be such a scary time for Mr Espresso and his family, and Chelsea, too. I send them all my very best thoughts forlove, healing, understanding and patience. And peace. xoxo

  13. Chico Sue

    Many, many prayers for Jean Luc and his family, especially Mr. Espresso and Chelsea.
    Your story of the meeting between you and Yann makes me all jittery inside, sort of like the way I felt when I fell in love with my own husband of 47 years. Aren’t we blest?!

  14. Sending prayers and positive thoughts for Jean luc.

  15. Please extend my heartfelt wishes for Mr. Espresso, Sr.’s fully recovery. I will include him in prayers.

  16. Oh dear. Continued prayers for Mr Expresso’s Dad.

  17. Prayers and best wishes for Mr. Espresso’s father.
    Healing light.

  18. maggie schneider

    My prayers and hope go out to Mr. Espresso’s dear father. I’m so sorry for what he has been going through.

  19. So sorry to hear that they have to amputate. More prayers coming to Jean Luc and the entire family.

  20. Alison Whittington

    That’s awful. Sending all good thoughts and wishes.

  21. Corey; please see my private mail to you and the message to JL. Thank you
    Hugs, Love

  22. Lucy Leatham

    Praying in Australia.!

  23. Christine

    Corey, this is so sad that it was so serious and at Christmastime no less. My thoughts and prayers continue to go out to him for a speedy recovery. Thinking too of his family and wishing them strength.

  24. Praying for the best possible outcome, and wonderful care and rehab.

  25. I am so sorry that the doctors are not able to save his foot. Thoughts and prayers to Jean Luc and his family. I hope that he will heal well from the surgery, and adapt well to the changes.

  26. Bonnie Gale

    Please forward an address where I can send a card. Will continue to pray for his recovery.

  27. I only now saw this, but I am praying that all went well with his surgery and that all will go well with his recovery and healing.

  28. oh my goodness how very sad the poor man. Prayers for him the doctors and the family for sure. Grace xoox

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