Above Us Only Sky

Paris-unity-glasses-je suis charlie

(Photo via LA MONDE Journal Online)
Last night and this morning I called Chelsea and Sacha and begged them not to leave their apartments today (they live in Paris) I asked them to promise me that they would not do the peace walk. I told them I was afraid something bad might happened and I wanted them to be safe.
They laughed, teased me, and well flat out said that they were going. And they did.
Once the images started coming in of the march I realized how wrong I was. How fear had nabbed me. How what I believe was playing it safe. I heard Sacha say, "Mom how can you tell us to stay inside when everyone is outside for a purpose we stand for?"
Motherhood is more than cuddling beautiful babies.
Of course they HAD to go, of course. And they should. And they did against my mothering fear. 
Chelsea, Mr. Espresso, Sacha and other friends marched for three hours, they said they could hardly move there were so many people. At last count over two million were on the streets, and the march is still going on as day turns into evening and evening turns into a new day.

    Imagine there's no heaven

    It's easy if you try

    No hell below us

    Above us only sky



    Imagine all the people

    Living for today


    Imagine there's no countries

    It isn't hard to do

    Nothing to kill or die for

    And no religion, too



    Imagine all the people

    Living life in peace



    You may say I'm a dreamer


    But I'm not the only one

    I hope someday you will join us

    And the world will be as one


    Imagine no possessions

    I wonder if you can

    No need for greed or hunger


    A brotherhood of man


    Imagine all the people


    Sharing all the world



    You, you may say I'm a dreamer

    But I'm not the only one


    I hope someday you will join us

    And the world will live as one


    Songwriter: John Lennon


    28 responses to “Above Us Only Sky”

    1. That is such a wonderful song…hard to believe it was written 35 or 40 years ago. As meaningful as ever.
      The marches of solidarity by the French population have been very moving to see. Bravo to Chelsea and Sascha.

    2. Wow! This gathering was larger than when Paris was liberated in 1944. It must have been amazing!

    3. Christine

      Mine went to the marches in Beaune and in Dijon. Smaller, but still as impressive and moving.

    4. Bonnie Gale

      Your request is understandable and their response is honest and commendable. People throughout the world stand with you in spirit. Praying for peace to be restored.

    5. Everywhere in the world there is need for healing,calm, Peace and Love. Can you IMAGINE?

    6. The French Mission to the UN estimates more than 3.7 million at the Paris demonstration! Bravo to Chelsea, Sacha, Mr. Espresso and their friends for going — as well as Christine’s children in other locations.

    7. See re the brilliant cover art on the latest “New Yorker”:

    8. Imagine…

    9. I just got home from the walk in Atlanta, Georgia. While there were only a few hundred walkers it was moving to see the crowd come together. http://jojos-joys.blogspot.com/2015/01/today-we-walk-jesuischarlie-atlanta.html

    10. Once a Mother always a Mother, your unease for your children was a normal reaction….but want an impressive gathering they all attended. Well done to Chelsea, Sacha, Mr Espresso and friends for standing tall.

    11. I agree with Jackie…Imagine….

    12. bravo!!
      2 million on the streets, and many million hearts with them
      …..and the perfect song choice xx

    13. There are certain times in life when you have to stand up and be counted…

    14. Madame in Bangkok

      I would have done the same . I was very afraid something was going to happen . But it was so beautiful to see all these poeple being together

    15. Thomas Ed Cole

      As we say on the ranch….mother hen and her chicks!! You KNEW they were going anyway…LOL…I would have!!!!BUT…glad they are safe.

    16. Imagine, imagine and imagine over again. All the dreamers came out today. Utterly moving.

    17. I knew they would go. They are your children, after all. I would’ve been afraid for my children too. It is only natural. Good for them. So proud of France and Sacha, Chelsea, and Mr. E.!

    18. My daughter recently told me that fear holds me back. I have made so many judgements based on fear since having my children. Your children ,just like those the world over, trust that fear and stare it down just as we did at their age. Fear is what those people want us to feel, Imagine all those people showing solidarity across the world. You should be proud ( and a little maternal anxst is normal).

    19. Dear Corey, for a long time already, I have been admiring your beautiful images, your stories, chapters of your life… Each morning I am looking forward to your new post which is the best company to my cup of coffee. And you never fail to put a smile on my face, inspire me, and give me motivation to reflect on things.
      Today, however, I feel with you! My husband being of French origin, working in Paris every now and then, and yes, at the time of the assassinations, too.
      I fully understand your feelings, being a mother myself. But your final, emotional conclusion speeks from my heart, although it is torn… We must stand up and fight for the rights which many have died for.
      I thank you so much for this post, this spreading of hope and love!
      I myself have tried to join this community of brothers and sisters in the belief that the world can be a good and safe place. If you are interested, I have started a little Giveaway on my blog, as naive it might be to change the world with some fabric hearts… It is a beginning, or a sign, or a processing of the matter… I would be happy if you visited me on:
      Have a nice day, dear Corey, and “see” you tomorrow morning 🙂

    20. Amazing and impressive. So glad everything went well and it was peaceful.

    21. Teresa Young

      so well said…you spoke from your heart, the heart of a Mother. John’s Lennon’s song has always touched my heart. Peace my friend. Teresa

    22. Iowa Julie

      I am so proud to know your kids marched in the peace walk. Bless them. If I had been in Paris I would have marched, too, but I live surrounded by farm fields, so I marched in spirit.

    23. I looked At the images for your faces and those you love. It was difficult with the large mass of people. But in reality, I did see your face and those of your children, because you stand as one for freedom and love for your country. I am happy for your strength and conviction. xxoo jody

    24. You can be so proud of your children!

    25. Understandable your mothering fear, but now you can feel even more pride in their taking part.

    26. Your mother’s heart is precious. I would have done the same thing, but then been proud of my children for making a stand. The words of this song are so right on. Thanks for sharing.

    27. Devin Dougherty

      Dear Corey, I’ve thought to write many times when your stories had surprising parallels…. yet… and now, practically, here is a question, about the place of a friend that you are decorating, so that she might rent it out… “near you”… which is where? available for when, and durations? since perhaps in May I will be coming to France… and, though I am also from CA (and have lived in nyc for 30 years) I am now, based partly on following your tales, wondering if retiring to France would be like CA, but more…
      so if you could email me… (ps i don’t see where there to direct email you, rather than using the comments) thanks, devin

    28. I emailed my loved ones in France. I wish I could have been there to march! I thought of Chelsea & Sacha and prayed for their safety. We can not be afraid – although, like you a mom, I am fearful.

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