Change is in the Air

living in France brocante collection corey amaro



Besides all the serious events that have happened in the last few days…

– I have had a friend from the States staying with us, Julia, who spent the first four days sick in bed. Though the last two days were better… just in time for the brocante.

– I am decorating a family friend's small rental house in our neighborhood. Small house big project since most of the things I had in mind to decorate with do not fit through the tiny door. Gulp.

– Gulp, because the first renter arrives at the end of the month.

– I bought an old cranberry colored Turkish rug … cranberry is not a color I have ever used full trottle and this rug is full trottle. Is my color palette changing.

– Did I tell you Thierry is in love?

– My Christmas tree is still up!

What is new with you?




25 responses to “Change is in the Air”

  1. Well of course he’s in love! He’s hanging around the matchmaker;) i don’t think your palette is changing, we all like a pop of color now and then. I bet it’s perfect. Can’t wait to see the end result.

  2. With a tiny door maybe you can find the collapsible type armoires…that come apart. Or buffets in two pieces, etc. You have great taste, so I’m sure it will turn out well.
    Is your friend from California? There’s been quite a flu going around here…we had it for two weeks. Glad she recovered in time for the brocante.

  3. Perhaps this place demands a different palette.

  4. I would love to see a picture of your Christmas tree. I bet it’s amazing! Antique French ornaments?
    That’s wonderful news for Thierry!
    Good luck with your decorating that house. I’m sure it will all work out and be beautiful.
    Have fun with your friend at the Brocante!

  5. There is always the pulley and rope drag it up and through a wide open window trick to get large items into the house. Yikes, what a small timeline to get stuff done!
    Good news about Thierry. I hope she loves him just as much/more and they make each other blissfully happy.

  6. Oh Corey I am so happy for Thierry-YEAH! Is she American-Is the woman you referenced some time ago … not being noisy just excited ALWAYS EXCITED WHEN LOVE IS IN THE AIR…..wondering about Jean-Luc-how is he fairing -sorry to hear about Julia not feeling 100 percent…. the peace rally was really something to behold I imagine the energy was something….our tree is up-I hate being plunged into the darkness of winter as long as it remains fresh it will remain -lighted too-nothing much new here no brocantes here but went to three different thrift stores today -my big prize a painting if a woman maybe from the forties or slightly earlier frame is not worthy of the work only 8×11 and some newer toile otherwise same old same old but I will take it sometimes normal is best!

  7. Cranberry! How Radical! ….smile.

  8. My Christmas just got put away today.
    Recuperating from surgery 2 weeks ago
    and it feels wonderful to visit you today.
    Wonderful for Thierry!
    And a cranberry rug sounds delicious.

  9. I like to use the color cranberry (or maroon, or wine or dark red, whatever you want to call it) as a neutral shade in combining garments to make an outfit, so maybe you can do the same with the rug.
    Hugs to Thierry (although on second thought, he’s gettin’ those from someone else!). Best wishes to Père Espresso for a good recovery. How’s Annie these days?

  10. Madame in Bangkok

    I put my Christmas tree down this morning . Happy to read , Thierry is in love

  11. LauraInSeattle

    OOOOH, I am so happy that Thierry is in love!!!
    It also kind of makes me happy that your Christmas tree is still up!
    Cranberry? Wow. That is a change, but…a sassy change!
    Is that house for rent available short term? 1 month or so?

  12. Great news about Thierry. God is good.
    I, too, would like to see pics of your Christmas tree….I’ll cross my fingers 🙂

  13. May Thierry’s love be returned in abundance.
    Christmas stays til the end of January in my house!

  14. freefalling

    Who knows where that could lead?
    Mulberry, blueberry, blackberry?

  15. jend’isère

    Today happens to be the official day Swede’s take down their Christmas tree! Parties with songs to dance around the tree before throwing out the window. Usually trees are only brought in Christmas eve and highrise living do not make this practical. Bonne Année 2015!

  16. I love cranberry — such a vibrant color! And what joyous news to hear about Thierry being in love. Wishing them all the best.
    You will post pictures of your new cranberry project, right? Would love to see.

  17. La Contessa

    Just took our tree down and really did not want too so keep yours up!
    Wonderful news about your dear friend…………..see MIRACLES do happen!

  18. What a teaser you are Corey. Throwing that one sentence in about Thierry and then just moving on. Details, girl, we want details. I am so happy for him that his life has changed so that he can feel the wonderful emotion of love.

  19. Natalie Thiele

    Yay! So very happy to hear that Thierry is in love! I hope the juicy details will soon be revealed.
    Vintage rugs are a perfect way to warm up a color palette.
    Sorry your guest has been sick. Glad she will be able to go brocanting with you.
    I am full of projects, just about to leave for my upholstery class, where I am finishing my zebra ottoman. Lots of clay cameras in the works, redesigning our cabin’s deck to satisfy our litigious neighbor, rescheduling our NYE party which we cancelled due to a cold. It’s good to be well again. Time’s a wastin’, when I was sick I just kept thinking about all the things I wanted to be doing. Now is the time!

  20. So, Thierry. More, please. 😉
    I love cranberry red, it goes so well with all shades of grey.
    And my Christmas tree is also still up. It is too pretty to take down. I remember at least one January, when It was still up on Mozart’s birthday. He quite enjoyed dancing under it.

  21. I, too, have an old, cranberry-ish rug…. am using soft, darker, warmer greys, the new blues, etc. with some soft golds…. sounds like a crazy quilt, but somehow it all works with black accents!…. with your discerning eye & exquisite taste, it’ll be beautiful!
    so very good to hear that Thierry is happy & able to give & receive lots of love, truly the stuff that makes our moments in this life so wonderful.

  22. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Now I’m looking forward to the blog-name you create for Thierry’s love interest, a la “Mr Espresso.”
    My giant nativity is put away (after all the hundreds of figures gathered around Jesus and had a big cast party) and I took the lights out of the front window, so as not to appear to out-of-date. But I like what I call “winter lights” so those stay up at least in the bedroom until mid-February. I have no tree but lots of ornaments in windows. Which are NOT putting themselves away, dang it.
    Is the cranberry rug for your home or the tiny house?
    Finally, the greys-and-whites photo in this post is so restful to my eyes.

  23. I am so happy for Thierry!! One of the best pieces of news so far this week.
    It has been a tough week…
    Sending good thoughts to Jean-Luc. (And Annie and Belle-Mère,always.)
    Work, work and more work. Work at work, work at home. Sleep — soft, rich, dark and deep.
    I cannot wait to see what wonderful things you come up with in your decorating project — I know whatever it is, it will be beautiful.
    Can’t wait to see where the cranberry goes!

  24. Ellen Cassilly

    DO tell more about Theirry!

  25. Hahaha – when u posted this mine was still up – now it’s in the yard, decorations everywhere! Wow, such intrigue about Thierry? Can’t wait for the scoop!

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