The Sacred Walk with Two Dogs

Spiritual Guide and Fear

I am afraid of dogs. It is beyond my control. When I see a dog I instantly think it is going to bite me. Many of you have told me what to do if I encounter a dog while walking. One thing I have learned is not to look a dog in the eye. Something I use to do, better to look a dog in the eye then have it attack you behind your back. But since many of you told me not to look a dog in the eye, I turn my head or better yet look at the ground. Most the dogs I see are behind gates, barking louder than an alarm system. Behind a gate they still freak me out.


Spiritual Guide and Fear


Yesterday while out walking I saw two big dogs on the road ahead of me. Two dogs without anyone around. They were roaming the street unattended. I slowly turned around and walked the other way, I keep my eyes to the ground, put my hands in my pocket, and prayed, "Okay anyone who is praying for me, and please let there be several hundred or so, and you too God, do not let these dogs bite me. Help me to remain calm, because I want to run and scream and jump over a fence."

I heard them as they ran towards me. I could sense fear putting itself on me thick and juicy, bright and loud, with a neon sign, "Bite Me! I am terrified!"

My prayers became serious as I centered down.


Spiritual Guide and Fear


The black colored dog walked along one side and the beige colored dog walked along the other side of me. Ying and yang. Noticing that I recalled that in dream language dogs can be seen as a symbol of spiritual guidance, faithfulness, truth, loyalty… I imagined that I was dreaming, that the dogs were guiding me through my fear.

It seemed to calm my nerves so I stayed with it. 

The dogs did not bark, the three of us walked for about a mile together. Their tails wagged, and for an instant I thought they were sweet and probably were lost. But then I thought they might be hungry, and so I had to pretend this was a dream so I wouldn't freak out. I slowly took out my phone and snapped some photos to prove to you that they really did exist.


Spiritual Guide and Fear


Spiritual Guide and Fear

Then just like that they went the other way. 

Instead of dancing with wolves,

I was dreaming with dogs,

Sacred and scary,

I think I will walk with them whenever I am scared… healing in mysterious ways.




34 responses to “The Sacred Walk with Two Dogs”

  1. Excellent Corey! I’m very proud of you Bitty steps…it takes determined bitty steps to get over fears.

  2. deep breaths and Bitty steps. good job, Corey.

  3. I am so proud of you! I am sorry you have a fear of dogs because for me they are a great comfort and calming factor. You acted in a very reasonable way especially for someone who was walking alone and who is also afraid. It is always a good course of action to avoid direct eye contact. it helps the dog/dogs feel more relaxed also.Slow quiet movements on your part and soft spoken words in lower pitch as opposed to high pitched & squeaky. Their body language suggest they were enjoying your company. How about that!

  4. Iowa Julie

    I am so sorry you are afraid of dogs! I cannot imagine a life without a dog in my home–I think they are a gift from God. But your fear of dogs must be like my fear of water–a phobia. Maybe you can teach me to like water and learn to swim, and I can help you understand the joy of a dog. 😉

  5. Said the renard to the Little Prince:
    Les hommes, dit le renard, ils ont des fusils et ils chassent. C’est bien gênant ! Ils élèvent aussi des poules. C’est leur seul intérêt. Tu cherches des poules ?
    – Non, dit le petit prince. Je cherche des amis. Qu’est-ce que signifie “apprivoiser” ?
    – C’est une chose trop oubliée, dit le renard. Ça signifie “créer des liens…”
    – Créer des liens ?
    – Bien sûr, dit le renard. Tu n’es encore pour moi qu’un petit garçon tout semblable à cent mille petits garçons. Et je n’ai pas besoin de toi. Et tu n’as pas besoin de moi non plus. Je ne suis pour toi qu’un renard semblable à cent mille renards. Mais, si tu m’apprivoises, nous aurons besoin l’un de l’autre. Tu seras pour moi unique au monde. Je serai pour toi unique au monde…

  6. I think they probably live at a house somewhere nearby and came out to greet you out of curiosity. They tagged along for the ride, to the end of their comfort zone, then went back home.
    They are probably used to being petted or served some treats by passersby, and thought you were going to do the same, lol.

  7. I would have been so scared, just like you. Great job not freaking, I would have!

  8. Franca Bollo

    You probably smelled like food.

  9. Leslie in Oregon

    Well done, Corey! You found a way through your fear, a way that strikes me also as most appropriate. Bravo to you and your two guides!

  10. Jan wasmann

    Corey – i love your last sentence … I think I will walk with them whenever I am scared, healing in mysterious ways. Brava!

  11. Well done Corey, they would sense your fear and probably were very helpful in aiding you overcome your fear by walking with you a short way and then disappearing. Walking with Wolves, spiritual…

  12. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Martina,
    Bitty steps it is, though those steps felt like Everest climbing. 🙂

  13. Tongue in Cheek

    Thank you Nancy for the advice. I truly keep everything in mind when I go out walking. Low voice, “Nice doggy.” Though I can barely think of anything to say except, “HELP!”

  14. Tongue in Cheek

    Iowa Julie, Okay come to France, I will help you love the sea, and you can teach me to pet a dog. OMG!

  15. Tongue in Cheek

    The first step in creating a relationship… Thank you WR

  16. Tongue in Cheek

    I think they were lost. I thought about looking at their tags, but, well, I could never think to touch one. When we walked by houses, the other dogs would bark louder than usual, but the dogs by me did not bark back. I took comfort in that. I also thought how they showed me to walk on without responding. Though I did notice that they “peed” on everything, marking their spot? They looked tired, they were wet, and they seemed thirsty. I felt sorry for them, but my fear would not let me help them. I had never seen these dogs before.

  17. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Debra
    I wanted to FREAK OUT, but I thought if I do I might be their meal ticket. It is amazing what we can do when we HAVE to.

  18. Tongue in Cheek

    That is reassuring. I guess I wasn’t smelling like roast beef or lamb. Tofu doesn’t have the same appeal. lol.

  19. A challenge met, Corey. The fact you kept calm shows you are gaining confidence and some control. Check their tails, if they are relaxed and wagging all is good.

  20. Tongue in Cheek

    Merci! I must say, I felt like I should have been given a trophy or ribbon or something!

  21. Tongue in Cheek

    That is my trophy. Thank you xox

  22. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Leigh, It was exactly like that. Spiritual. I felt that strongly.

  23. Tongue in Cheek

    Wagging tail, to my checklist. Thank you!

  24. teresa Cesario

    Corey! Your the best, what a great post. Really proud of you.I imagine that was really difficult, we could feel your fear from your writing and your victory! Thankful they didn’t harm you!

  25. Amazing! I think they were messengers. Good ones. Of what, you’ll figure out.

  26. What a creative way to handle your very real fear. I will have to remember that next time I’m dealing with something that scares me. Thank you.
    I love dogs. They are sweet, affectionate, playful companions, loyal beyond beyond, and when my husband or I are not feeling well, our little dog will stay by our sides as if to comfort and heal us. Quite darling.
    The one time a dog was ever aggressive toward me, I had left a party, angry, and was walking down a city street in the dark. A dog left its owners’ front step, dashed across their lawn, and bit my ass. Made a hole in my pants.
    I’ve always thought, since then, that it was reacting to my anger, feeling me a threat.

  27. By the way Corey, it is not necessary to actually speak to dogs. Body language is their way of communicating and they adopt our verbal communication as a way to overcome our lack of skill in their language.(Much like human infants) It can actually be non threatening to them if you don’t speak. Lots of physical motion…running, arm waving, shouting etc tends to excite them so slow and calm tends to make them feel quiet. I can assure you those dogs had no interest in “eating” you. Again I can say their body language tells me they were happy to be escorting you. By the way they were walking ahead of you so they felt they were leading you (not stalking you).

  28. Franca Bollo

    Dogs eat anything, even poo. You probably had baguette crumbs on you, somewhere. FYI, I was bitten in the face when I was about 11 and got over my fear. There’s hope for you. Dogs are magical.

  29. Iowa Julie

    If you knew my big, beautiful, gentle dog, Ellie Bernadette, (90 lbs) you would lose the fear. One day she brought me a baby bunny so new that it had no fur. A tiny bald, unharmed bunny set gently at my feet, a furiously wagging tale on my dog and eyes that said, “Please, can we keep it, Mom?” You would have the harder task, Corey. I love to be beside the sea; I just do not want to be IN the sea! I am convinced I drowned in a past life, and this is soul memory.

  30. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    I am glad you faced your fear this time…
    For some reason, God allowed those dogs, which you fear, to gather up and walk beside you, one on each side. Think about that for a minute. Not behind, not in front of, just right beside you.
    You, were being protected for some reason that you will probably never know.
    He works in mysterious ways…

  31. Irene Thomas

    I was thinking of you throughout the day, Corey. My husband and I were at the Sacramento River Wildlife Refuge today near Willows, watching the snow geese and bald eagles. And now that you mark your brave day of substituting “dogs” for sacred protection, Dancing with Wolves is playing on our television screen while I’m reading your words.

  32. What a good post for me to remember, as I have the same fear. We will be brave and keep on walking.

  33. I am the opposite of you – I love dogs and have had them all my life. But fear is understandable and you were very brave continuing walking. Those two were trying to help you get over your fear and went on their way when they thought they had done enough! Look at it like that. Fear of animals is difficult to get over. I had a pet shop one time and we had a cockatoo who sat out on his perch and was adored by my customers bar one. He diidn’t mind birds in cages but was petrified of them out of their cages. He didn’t realise Winston was loose and when he got too close to his perch the bird got onto his shoulder. The poor guy freaked!! Winston thught it was funny and marked time on his shoulder and I swear he was laughing! We got him off eventually but the guy never came back into the shop – he waited for his family outside. He was really terrified.

  34. Dogs live by their sense of smell… They just wanted a big sniff… And then on to new adventures!

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