Photo by Allison.
The problem with visiting Provence is that you need a car. The miles are many between each village, city, spot, museum, church, beach, path, market, brocante and the hidden gems that history has marked.
Many miles.
When you live faraway from France those one or two hours drives one way do not sound like much. But once you are here the reality that jet lag brings and the pleasure to soak in the moment comes tumble down to remind you that driving two hours anywhere every day to see a few of the places on your list is not an easy task.
Luckily I live nearby some utterly charming places that keep me happily put.
Cassis and Sanary being two of them.
But since my friend Allison has been here, we have traveled miles. Allison rented a car and I slept in it. Though I always told her where to go before I zonked out.
Allison stayed a week, she mapped two or three places to visit, did not try to see and do everything, instead took time to appreciate what was before her plus ventured three days to and fro home-base to see other areas in Provence.
Saintes Maries de la Mer,
The other days we made smaller jaunts within thirty minutes from where I live.
Photo by Allison.
Photo by Allison.
If you come to Provence I strongly advise to rent a car,
Visit one place per day and be prepared to drive, when planning your trip calculate the freeway tolls which add up, and pack water.
Three favorite places to stay one in each area of Provence.
Vlad and Denise's place in Cotignac,
If you would like more information let me know.
Spring feels around the corner.
Allison leaves tomorrow.
Maggie came home today.
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