Thank you so much for the wonderful emails and comments that you sent to me yesterday and everyday. You sure know how to put a smile on my face. I would love to copy my cookbook and offer it to you… I will have to look into that. Though you do know that most of the recipes are pinches of this, handfuls of that, misspelled words, numbers written backwards, guesses, wannabes, chocolate stains, ripped pages, faded out recipes of photocopied memories…
It is falling apart literally.
The recipes are not in any order which means I spend most my time guessing where the recipes are, "No mom's raisin bran muffins are after Mary Kate's scones, oh no no remember if you get to the page where Chelsea scribbled… oh yeah the recipe is scribbled along the side of the page."
A mess is putting it nicely.
Creative sure, messes usually are.
Exact I am not.
Thank you for reading my blog, for encouraging me all these years, for being there, for allowing me to "feel" I "know" you when I read your name. Knowing you are out there, makes me sit down every day and try to scribble something to say.
Your friendship is the reason I blog-
Merci Beaucoup!
I have been given the best blog readers which is the most caring community I know.
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