You Are the Best Recipe


Corey amaro french antiques and recipes of loving France


Thank you so much for the wonderful emails and comments that you sent to me yesterday and everyday. You sure know how to put a smile on my face. I would love to copy my cookbook and offer it to you… I will have to look into that. Though you do know that most of the recipes are pinches of this, handfuls of that, misspelled words, numbers written backwards, guesses, wannabes, chocolate stains, ripped pages, faded out recipes of photocopied memories…

It is falling apart literally.

The recipes are not in any order which means I spend most my time guessing where the recipes are, "No mom's raisin bran muffins are after Mary Kate's scones, oh no no remember if you get to the page where Chelsea scribbled… oh yeah the recipe is scribbled along the side of the page."

A mess is putting it nicely. 

Creative sure, messes usually are.

Exact I am not.

Thank you for reading my blog, for encouraging me all these years, for being there, for allowing me to "feel" I "know" you when I read your name. Knowing you are out there, makes me sit down every day and try to scribble something to say.

Your friendship is the reason I blog-

Merci Beaucoup!

I have been given the best blog readers which is the most caring community I know. 




20 responses to “You Are the Best Recipe”

  1. Hi Corey. I couldn’t find the comment box last night and I wanted to say that I loved the glimpses into your cookbook. I always thought that my mother’s recipe book (like yours) would be my go to book, but I’d long committed the precious recipes to memory. I do have my own book, though. A black binder with recipes that my husband and I developed together, which we treasure and it is to that book that i go!

  2. Corey It is I who humbly and lovingly thank you-for this special space-a joy in each day is putting it mildly for me-you and your spirit comes through like strong sun beams and light up this space – I really do love visiting everyday-

  3. RebeccaNYC

    What g said…exactly! You are the friend I have never met…and I love you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you!

  4. But, thank you! For sharing your adventures, musings, family & friends. You’re so loving, caring, nice, funny, poetic..even ‘tho we’ve never met in person. I deal with a lot of stressors in my life (one of my kids is autistic, my retinas are deteriorating which cannot be fixed, to name a few of the challenges) & coming here gives me a much needed escape..I’m transported & inspired. I can only dream but you are living the reality…you are an angel & I send a big hug. 🙂

  5. Thank YOU!

  6. When my mom passed away I made a cookbook of her recipes for family members.
    Her collection was wonderful but not in any order. So I created a couple of background pages in photoshop that were decorated around the border with cooking related drawings. I scanned the original recipes and placed them (with photoshop) in the center of the background pages. Then I could number the pages, print them out, and have a table of contents at the beginning so that one could find the recipes easily. I put them in categories of desserts or main dishes etc.

  7. Janet with Eiffel

    Right back atcha !!
    Merci Beaucoup

  8. I feel the same about you as all the other lovely comments I read here tonite. When I saw your cookbook I just thought what a wonderful gift that is for Chelsea to own someday…a real gift of LOVE from the heart. To me you embody what a mother truly is…and from reading stories about your mother, you had a wonderful example. I know I couldn’t have put in all the time and effort you did to make yourself fit into the new life in France when you were so young. That took so-o-o much tenacity. You seem to excel in all your endeavors. God Bless….

  9. Ourfrenchoasis

    This is just why the book would be so wonderful, so refreshingly different – a scoop of this a dash of that, that’s how recipes adapt to become one’s own. I think it would be wonderful, smudge marks and all!!!

  10. Best way to live a happy life is always be the true self….

  11. Jennifer Phillipps

    I think your daily blog is the perfect recipe for a happy contented reader….lots of lovely images, kind and thoughtful prose and lots of generous helpings of love…..that is all a person needs on any day of the week and even all the way over here in NZ I can feel it seeping off the computer and into my head and heart…
    Merci for sure!

  12. Love connecting with you everyday!

  13. Your cookbook brought joy-filled memories and thoughts to me. When we closed up and sold my parent’s home I gathered all of mothers recipes..many taped inside cabinet doors… and have been putting them in my “recipe scrapbook” begun when I was a young girl. Those quick notes from friends and eating out delicious ideas are some of the best recipes – who needs exact measurements? Making a book collection to sell, well it would be high on my list of wants! Your delicious vegetarian dishes would be pure delight. Thanks for the beautiful sharing of the pages!

  14. We feel the same way about you! I love reading your blog every day and it was such a joy meeting you last year! I would certainly purchase your collection of recipes. I would store it with the family recipes in binders and my files of handwritten, scanned, and cut-out recipes I’ve amassed over the many years. Hopefully my girls will appreciate my collection someday.

  15. WE are the lucky ones. You graciously, generously have allowed us to be a part of your life and I feel as though I have a friend for life. I did not read yesterday’s post until today. It was wonderful! I would so buy your cookbook! I collect recipes as did my mother and aunt. I thought it was a southern thing. 🙂
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for filling each of my days with your words of joy and wisdom.

  16. Corey, you bring such joy with you. Thank YOU so very much.

  17. No, Corey, you are the best recipe for many things; hope, friendship,laughter, kindness, generosity, and the list goes on. You & TIC have been a companion in the Neurology intensive Care waiting room with me, a constant reminder to remain strong in the many roles we face as moms, friends, and wives, someone who is thinking many of the same thoughts as I but fearlessly confronts the issue and writes to tell about it probably not realizing all those out there who have benefitted from your posts. My family follows your vacations, we pray with you on holy nights, and, of course, I dream French dreams thanks to your incredible photos. Still looking forward to your east coast tour so we might meet:)

  18. I didn’t read all the comments from your previous post about your cookbook, but I must have had the same exact thought about it that everybody else did–that needs to be printed as a cookbook and just exactly like it is. That’s the wonderfulness about it. And, as many people have said here–you ARE the best recipe!

  19. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Both Rebeccas agree with g! I love you and your loveliest of blog friends as well.

  20. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    I remember what you told me that Chelsea said: your blog readers are all the nicest people. You set the tone, and so your readers follow. I do appreciate how you’re so genuine and transparent and real, at the same time that you reserve your privacies as well you should.
    That photo of the cups is just splendid.

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