The Race

The Race


Last September Chelsea encouraged three friends and myself to run a 10KM race in Paris. Today was the day. The three friends, Chelsea and myself never ran before. The three friends all started running and love it. Chelsea started running, and I started walking.

Today Chelsea and her friend Alice ran the race in the pouring rain. The other two friends had previous commitments that they could not change. As for myself I opted not to walk the 8KM simply because I wanted to see Chelsea cross the finish line. With that said, I feel I have met the goal, I have been walking five miles a day and love it.


Thank you Chelsea for sparking our interest and making us run/walk!


The Race


Chelsea (in a green jacket) and her friend Alice (in an orange jacket) at the starting line.

The race was in the park of Bois de Boulogne, which borders Paris on the west side is 2100 acres, or two and a half times the size of Central Park in New York. The Bois de Boulogne is consider the lungs of Paris. 

We took the metro, then walked about two miles to the race.

In the rain.

Cold rain.

With thousands of other crazy runners and their peeps.

It gave the word commitment to exercise a ribbon of honor to all of the 4000 plus runners and walkers that showed up.

Yann, Sacha, Mr. Espresso and myself stood in the rain, drank hot chocolate, felt our shoes become puddles as we waited to cheer our girl.


29 mars 2015


Sacha bought Chelsea running shoe at Christmas. Purple ones.

She wore them for the race. 


Chelsea's friend Alice finished the race before Chelsea.

Then ran back and cheered her friend onward.

Clapping and chanting with glee, "Go Chelsea!"

It was so sweet to see.



The Race



Chelsea's friend is in the orange jacket.

Yann can be seen in an overcoat standing by the tree.



The Race




The Race



Chelsea towards the finish line.

Chelsea finished in one hour and five minutes.

The first runner to cross the finish line did it in thirty two minutes.

Those runners who crossed in the first forty five minutes were serious duds! They looked like they were running for their lives, their face contorted, saliva pouring from their mouths, a determination to beat their own personal clock, an overwhelming emotion and I was moved by such a display of evident passion, and content to be a cheerleader on the sidelines.


The race

The race

The race

The Race



Alice clapping and cheering on Chelsea.




The Race



Mr. Espresso (in the blue jacket) running towards the finish line, after watching Chelsea from the sidelines, to hug his girl.



The race



Chelsea at the finish line!


The race



After the race we went out to lunch to celebrate.


29 mars 2015


29 mars 2015

29 mars 2015


Sacha hugging me.

I am little next to him.

I noticed more than how short I am in this photo, Sacha is wearing my Father's watch. Ah! I love that!


The Race




29 responses to “The Race”

  1. Oh such joy!!!! Love being involved with your family. A very special day for a very special family.

  2. Oh what joy this post contains ! Congrats to Chelsea and her friend and to you too! I used to run and there’s nothing like it. It makes you happy! A great day to celebrate with friends and family. Love the picture of you and Sacha with him wearing your father’s watch.☺️

  3. Congratulations, Chelsea! And congratulations to you, too, Corey for your diligent training. Both of you must feel a real sense of accomplishment. So good to see the joy you all share when you gather together…each day truly a celebration of love and family. Thank you for letting that jou spill over here.

  4. Wow, just wonderful and very inspirational! I want to get moving now!!

  5. success for everyone YEAH!!

  6. Well well done!
    Congratulation, all of you!

  7. What inspiring young women. Your “kids” are so darling…we should include Mr Espresso in that too.

  8. Wonderful to see so much love!

  9. Congrats Chels!!!!!!!! J’adore le photo avec vous et Sacha:)

  10. Congratulations Chelsea! Corey, the photo of you and Sacha cracks me up…he is a bit taller than you.

  11. Oh boy, what an accomplishment! And in the rain! I couldn’t ran for a bus….you’ve inspired me.
    Congrats to everyone!!!

  12. Iowa Julie

    I’m so happy for you, Corey–it’s so nice you had such a happy day with your family and a celebration after Chelsie’s race.

  13. YAY CHELSEA!!!!

  14. Linda Loose

    Good job, good job, good job! Corey, please deliver this to message to Chelsea and Alice and all those they inspired–with big hugs from Boulder.

  15. Congratulations for finishing, Chelsea! Good for you, Corey, for walking the 5 miles a day. That is impressive. Thanks for sharing the photos. Wow! I think it is a good day when I can walk 3 miles.

  16. Madame in Bangkok

    It is a great mother / daughter experience, I wish I could have seen pictures of you walking ..

  17. Christine

    Well done Chelsea, well done the whole team !!

  18. Ourfrenchoasis

    Well done. Loved reading this, so descriptive I felt as if I was there, standing in the rain. The joy of watching our children participate in events.

  19. Congratulations to Chelsea and to all your family for supporting her!

  20. Congratulations, next stop, Boston marathon!

  21. Teresa Young

    Chelsea’s love for life shows in her face…so beautiful. And congrats to you my friend for 8k! Hooray for you walking 5k everday. I know you much have much more energy! Hugs!

  22. Terri in Texas

    Yay Chelsea! And good for you Corey for walking!

  23. Janet with Eiffel

    Thanks for sharing your joy.
    This post made me smile the whole way through.

  24. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Wait a minute. You just told us Mr Espresso’s name?

  25. Tongue in Cheek

    Yes, I did. 🙂

  26. Wendy in Kennewick

    Congratulations to Chelsea! Well done!

  27. Way to go Chelsea and Alice for finishing and in the rain! Way to go Corey for walking. Love the first picture….they look like real marathon runners.

  28. Shelley Noble

    Go Chelsea! And Alice! And their cheering squad!

  29. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    And then you went back and changed it?

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