Why Would I Post a Photo of Myself on April’s Fool?

Corey amaro

Corey amaro

Corey amaro

Why would I?

Because I have to stop being a fool and start accepting photos of myself. It is foolish to be so stubborn about having my photo taken.

I often find fault in the photos taken of myself. And that has to stop. I have to accept myself as I am. 

Sometimes a fool, sometimes not.

What foolish habit do you need to take control over?





33 responses to “Why Would I Post a Photo of Myself on April’s Fool?”

  1. I understand you DC because I look awful in 9/10 photos of me. It’s foolish, I know but it hurts, ya know?

  2. Growing old…to continue to color my hair or not?

  3. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Enjoying vino with a little too little restraint. Working on it.
    I love that saucy look in the middle photo.
    I know what you mean about being dubious about photos of oneself. (Although I don’t avoid them; ever hopeful, I keep expecting that the next photo of me will come out really nice.) There’s a large graveyard of never-exposed photos of me that are just fine staying out of public view. And then on rare occasion, a picture captures that spark that I know to be me, so that I can ignore the extra chins or the flab on the underarm or the usual things that distract and distress me. I rather think the middle photo captures your spark nicely.
    (I just went back through my all-too-few photos of you from last summer. Most disappointed me cause they didn’t have the spark. I think perhaps you sparkle better in person than on “film”. I found one I haven’t put out there, and will put it on facebook soon. Then you can see what you think. It has food in it so what’s not to like.)

  4. too many to list here…..

  5. I too avoid having my photo taken, and because of that it’s a shame how few photos I have of my son and me when he was little. Probably have thousands of him and his dad but I was always avoiding the camera.
    That said, I should have learned my lesson from my aunt. My Aunt Lorraine was one of the most beautiful people you’d ever meet in spirit and kindness, but she didn’t like the way she looked. In most of the photos I have of her, she is avoiding the camera. I wish she’d known how beautiful she was to everyone she knew, just the way she was.

  6. Shelley Noble

    Hello, our beautiful, sly, talented, kind-hearted, sexy, deeply poetic friend.

  7. When you do post pics of yourself, your authentic self comes through – especially because you tell stories and we know the context. People worthy of your notice accept you regardless.
    My habit – mindless eating. It needs to stop.

  8. The lady in the second photo definitely looks as though she’s up to mischief 😉

  9. Marilyn in Chico, Ca

    Like you, I hate to have my picture taken. I realize how sad and foolish that is. My children won’t have as many pictures to remember me by as they would have if I hadn’t been so critical of my looks. Which, really probably aren’t as bad as I imagine. Little children never run from me in fear 😉 I am way too critical.

  10. Yuck, is usually the reaction I have to any photo of myself. A few weekends back, I helped with a local fundraiser. I made sure to stay behind the scene away from the photographer. She managed to get one photo of me, and I just saw it a few days back on line. My eye was drawn to me, and I wondered how that could really be me. I look at other photos of people about my age and they seem so relaxed in their photo, maybe, more self- accepting. I don’t know. I keep reminding myself to go easy and not beat myself up too much. Like Marilyn above, I’m way too critical of myself.

  11. Oh, I forgot to say . . . If you want a laugh . . . My children were looking at the photos on my phone, and over the last 10 – 12 months, I have taken selfies of myself then and again trying to come to grips with the images. My kids saw these photos and got the biggest haha. “Ohhhhhhh, mom . . . “, they said.

  12. I had a tumor on my face and when the doctor cut it out he cut several nerves My face is lopsided and I look awful in photos-especially if I smile. One side smiles and the other side does not. People often remark too, “Jackie! Why did you make that face? Agh! So I never smile in a photo and I try to avoid them at all costs! Corey, I hear you…but my dear, you are beautiful-inside and out:)

  13. I am rarely in a photo myself. We are own worst critics.

  14. We took a group photo at work with hundreds of people in it. I was in the middle of this panoramic photo and the way I describe that picture of me is that I look like an alien from outer space. I have my big sunglasses on as the sun was in our eyes. But the point is….if I think I look like an alien, then I am an alien. It is our thoughts that make us believe such silly things. I could have said, I look like Greta Garbo. Now why didn’t I say that?

  15. LauraInSeattle

    You are no fool. Your wise words and insightful photos inspire me daily. You are right. We are more than a photo…I needed to hear your words today.

  16. I usually hate pics of myself, but when I see one that is halfway decent, then I think, “if someone see’s this and then they meet me…they will be disappointed at what I look like in person.” No pleasing us (women)…right? We should all just be grateful to be happy and healthy. I think you’re adorable, so own it, cutey 🙂

  17. Thomas Ed Cole

    You will always be a sweetheart to me..You are “Gods smile, Gods laughter” ….this is how I know you …

  18. Laurie SF

    I too feel the same way of being photographed. Bleh! I like to move, engage. So, when asked to sit and pose for a ‘portrait’ like photo. I appear unphotogenic…as the image did not capture my true self.
    You my friend are beautifully captured…your Coreyesque self exudes in all of your images.

  19. Corey, Let me tell you what I see, when I see a photo of you:
    I see a woman who loves fully.
    I see a woman who, in turn, is loved fully by
    everyone around her.
    I see a woman who puts everyone else’s needs above
    her own, and would have it no other way.
    I see a woman who enjoys life and who cherishes
    that in life which is most important.
    I see a passionate woman, as it seems to exude from
    your being.
    I see a strong woman who is a very integral part of
    a beautiful family.
    Thank you for sharing your lovely self with us.
    You’re beautiful.

  20. Lana Kloch

    so glad you posted pictures of yourself… you look ravishing in one, mischievous in another..
    they speak volumes.. i can sync your writings with your pictures.. it helps me be closer to you as well.
    you are truly an amazing person who i am glad to call a friend..
    sending hugs galore

  21. Bonnie Gale

    Based on current comments it’s obvious, as a whole women are extremely critical of their appearance. Glad we are working to overcome such insecurity. My first step was to change my perception regarding self criticism. I wouldn’t sit back and allow others to say negative comments about me, yet I say them to myself. I make an effort to improve what I can regarding my appearance. Regarding photos, I spent a little time studying a few to bring some self awareness regarding posing in group shots. The candid photos just speak for themselves. Sometimes my freak flag just has to fly. I SO enjoy your blog and the spirit and inspiration of all personalities involved. I look forward to seeing you more frequently. Thank you.

  22. Pam Norwood

    I know sweet Corey, I feel the same way. Please don’t be so hard on yourself (yeah,I need to take my own advice). You are a gorgeous, intelligent woman who has touched and continues to touch many lives every day. You are such a blessing!

  23. Dawn Fleming

    I also need to take control over the same “foolish” habit.

  24. Linda P.

    My foolish thing? I take off my shoes before I step on the scales at any doctor’s office, to get my weight down every little ounce. I have a perfectly normal BMI of 22, but I had a model-skinny, much taller and long-legged mother who thought my curvy figure overweight. I’m 65, and my beloved mother has been gone for 40 years, dying way too soon. It’s time to stop being so foolish and be happy that my body has brought me to this age. This week, when I went to see my endocrinologist, I determined I wouldn’t take off my shoes. First thing the nurse said? “Take off your shoes.”

  25. Love these shots of you! You are gorgeous and I’m so pleased when you share pictures of yourself here. It’s a shame you don’t do it more often. That being so stated, I’m exactly the same way , I avoid being in front of the camera – so I’ve decided to join your crusade and let vanity be damned.

  26. Isn’t it strange how we see ourselves, so different than how others see us & reality? Ever since I can remember I’ve always avoided the camera. I even remember when a professional photographer came to our house when I was around 2 or 3 & I burst into tears because he said he was going to “shoot us now”! Yes, I thought shoot meant kill. 😄
    In time I just hated how I looked in photos (especially the dreadful school pictures)..troubled, malnourished childhood reflected.
    Then when I was 30 a photographer friend finally convinced me to let her take pictures for her portfolio, I think I drank wine😄. I’m glad I let her because the photos turned out very nice & captured something. Now, here I am with gray, sparse hair & eyelashes, a jelly belly, wrinkles, thick glasses & can’t believe I was once young, thin & pretty..ha, but I’m happy to be here to experience life & I accept what life experiences have drawn on me. I don’t put emphasis on the outward physical person, which we know doesn’t last forever, it’s the heart & soul that matters.

  27. Merisi in Vienna

    You are actually very photogenic, Corey.
    And there’s nothing wrong about being shy about having your pictures taken.

  28. I ve never liked pics of me!!! But since I have grandchildren now…. I do pics! Still not loving the pic but I want them to have pics of me some day?!?!? Your pics r great!

  29. Sweet Corey…you are a GORGEOUS HUMAN BEING, and I appreciate your sharing photos of yourself. It really makes ‘you’ come ‘alive’ in another dimension to us readers! I worked with a woman who had a huge birthmark on her face…one that could not be ignored when you first met her. BUT…after knowing her for a time, it was actually INVISIBLE to her friends! It was her heart and soul that we saw when we were with her. Just think how your heart and soul shine and that is what people ‘see’ and treasure!!!! We can’t all be Sophia Lorens! Why do we even think we can be 18 forever? LIFE is what shines through to touch others…and that comes from experiencing it! Keep on SHINING, girl!

  30. It’s interesting to read these comments and how we all have similar feelings. When I see these photos of you Corey, I see your spirit and the girl from Willows who moved amazingly on the dance floor. Not the faults you see in yourself.

  31. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Yes. What Shelley Noble said.
    Add funny and warm to that too.

  32. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Dear Jackie,
    If I were near you, I would take close up photos of you of the smiling side, so we could all see the smile that’s inside you. I imagine you’re beautiful inside and out too.

  33. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    These comments, inspired by your authenticity, are so moving and are part of why I love your blog.
    I posted the photo of you that I like, on fb with a tag on you. I hope you’ll like it. All the friends here certainly would.

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