


Ireland is green.

My friend Carrie says Ireland has over 80 shades of green. 

I believe it.

The last time I came to Ireland it was during July. The sky was never so blue as it was today. It was utterly breathtaking!






As we walked along the coast I felt heaven touching earth. A glorious feeling as if Nature was giving me wings.

Soaring above with my feet rooting deeply beneath me.





I had to hold Yann because I felt he wanted to rope, dive, jump, do something crazy. He saw a seal and the seal saw him and well I thought the two of them might become best friends and head north. I grabbed his hand to remind him that we could feel Nature but we could not dive into that blue and green.





Though why not?

Well we know why not.

But on another level why not.

Have you ever felt so alive, so happy, so caught up in the beauty before you that in that moment anything feels possible?














The stone wall along the coast trail.






More to come.





13 responses to “Ireland….”

  1. Stunning! Wish I were there!

  2. So very beautiful!
    I remember seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time. I couldn’t get enough of it…it made me feel so insignificant.
    Looking forward to many tales and photos to come from your time in Ireland.


  4. Wow!

  5. So Beautiful! Thank you for sharing these gorgeous pictures!!

  6. Leslie in Oregon

    I know well the strong desire and pull to swim in lovely blue and green waters. Jumping from, or climbing down, a sheer, high cliff to get to them, not so much. But usually, there is some other way…

  7. So very like New Zealand where we live. Love you to visit us someday. A long way from France but you’d love it. We are in Paris and the South Of France later this year. Kate

  8. Ourfrenchoasis

    Hi Kate, I just read your comment, you sound a little like us! We lived in NZ, in the Bay of Islands, in fact our youngest was born in Auckland, before moving back to France where we now live in the beautiful Charente Maritime on the South West Coast of France. NZ was utterly breathtaking, without a doubt the most stunning scenery I have ever seen in my life, although I do love my life here in France! Enjoy your trip to France later this year. Susan

  9. Ourfrenchoasis

    Wow, is about all I can say, it is totally stunning and your photos are amazing, thank you so much for sharing this, can’t wait to see more

  10. Next time we will all go to Donegal together …. you would love it

  11. Karen Dyer

    If you haven’t already done it – how about a history of French Husband’s wonderful leather jacket! That’s definitely a keeper!

  12. Brenda, Walker, LA

    Thumbs up to other levels!

  13. Thank you to Susan for your lovely comments, I’m so thrilled you enjoyed your time in NZ. I also live in Auckland where your daughter was born. Kate

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