Overnight in Paris


Overnight in Paris



Overnight in Paris



Overnight in Paris


April in Paris

Spring welcomed us,

hand in hand

Two sweet blossoms,

perfumed air.


a skip in our step

this is April in Paris:



Overnight in Paris


Three girls



shoes in hand

running down the street




Overnight in Paris



Going home after work

Light jacket


Two baguettes tucked under arm

dinner awaits.



Overnight in Paris



Overnight in Paris



Overnight in Paris



Two blocks from our apartment

a cobbled street

no cars allowed

Wisteria grows from one side of the street to the other.

A scented paradise.





Overnight in Paris

April in Paris:



"I never knew the charm of spring
I never met it face to face
I never knew my heart could sing
I never missed a warm embrace

Till April in Paris, chestnuts in blossom
Holiday tables under the trees
April in Paris, this is a feeling

That no one can ever reprise
I never knew the charm of spring
I never met it face to face
I never knew my heart could sing
I never missed a warm embrace

Till April in Paris
Whom can I run to
What have you done to my heart." 


Overnight in Paris



Overnight in Paris


Overnight in Paris



Overnight we head out tomorrow.

Chelsea and Sacha came for dinner, asparagus tarts, strawberries, cucumbers, raspberries, vegetable terrine, salad, carrot ginger soup and Irish shortbread cookies with Irish cream liquor.

Stories flowed, one after another:

Sacha's girlfriend came back from South Africa, Chelsea had been in Berlin for work, Sacha hiked Mount Ventoux and took a photo of sunbathing in the snow for an art project. Yann had a friend of Carrie's, who practices Chinese medicine work on his back…

Silence was not at hand.


Overnight in Paris



Birds seemed to chirp non stop indoors.

I wish I could hold this moment in a time capsule, then hide with it under the wisteria that grows around the corner, listening as the seasons unfold one after another all eternity.


I suppose that is the same as planting the seeds of such in ones heart.






17 responses to “Overnight in Paris”

  1. What fun! I infer that the shortbread cookies and cream liquor were souvenirs of Ireland, right? Do have a good recipe for asparagus tarts that you could post? The past few weeks we’ve been buying spears at the store, steaming them, then dressing with blender Hollandaise sauce (yummmmm!).

  2. Liane Partridge

    OMG ! Where in Paris is that magnificent cobbled street? I could look at that picture forever…simply divine! So love your photos. Thank you for them all.

  3. Ourfrenchoasis

    loved reading this, silence is never in hand with children and their friends but it’s such a happy noise, a noise to treasure forever

  4. Hard to believe that stunning little floral lane is in the heart of Paris – would love to know where it is to wander down it one day….lovely photos and precious moments. Thanks

  5. Adorable-my friends are lucky enough to be in Paris this week-so now I see what they see -beautiful – thank you

  6. JeanPaul and I loved that car-less road. It comprised our evening walks back to the apartment most evenings we were there. Just wanted to say that photo of you in Ireland was a really great photo of you – you look lovely in it.

  7. Lana Kloch

    you had me with the first photo.. from the bright yellow door to the description of the dinner.. to the poem of spring..
    your words and pictures are like a symphony of sounds and melodies..and oh so colorful. i dance whilst reading your blog and i am transformed into another beautiful world that you so generously share with us..
    it is magical and so are you.. i am so blessed to have you as a friend mon ami
    sending bouquets of hugs & kisses
    lana cano kloch

  8. You put into words, the joy of seeing your children grow into wonderful adults. Our hearts swell as we age just being a part of their lives.
    Love your photo’s of Spring in Paris, I feel lighter just reading your blog.

  9. Such lovely pictures. I love the door knocker.

  10. Sweet images of you and your children! The smile on your face is worth a million dollars!
    Love the light jacket man with the baguettes. Ooh baby.

  11. Tongue in Cheek

    Yes indeed shortbread and cream liquor…Irish!

  12. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Liane
    Right by our apartment!! rue des Thermopyles (14ème)
    Des maisons de poche qui ne dépassent pas les 3 étages, de la vigne vierge qui n’en fait qu’à sa branche et des façades où la glycine est reine. La Rue des Thermopyles c’est un p’tit bout de campagne à Paris. 280 mètres d’air pur et de tranquillité.
    Métro : Pernety

  13. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Debbie
    Right by our apartment!! rue des Thermopyles (14ème)
    Des maisons de poche qui ne dépassent pas les 3 étages, de la vigne vierge qui n’en fait qu’à sa branche et des façades où la glycine est reine. La Rue des Thermopyles c’est un p’tit bout de campagne à Paris. 280 mètres d’air pur et de tranquillité.
    Métro : Pernety

  14. Oh sigh, for April in Paris. I have been there in April. The yellow and the wisteria just make my heart skip a beat. Amazing April in Paris and family makes it all the better.

  15. Beautiful!

  16. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    All these photos are joyous, but those two of you and your offspring are wondrous. Except, dammit, they’re entirely too tiny. I want to see them much much bigger with better detail!

  17. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Am I gushing too much? I do like your photography though. Your eye sees things as mine does, so you’re my stand-in there.

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