How I Met my French Husband: Hide and Seek



We played our game, silently. The tree line stood between us. I knew he was weaving in and out, coming towards me. He knew I was trying to catch him with my camera.

We both wanted to win. I tried not to cheat. He knew he would win and I played anyway.

Winning isn't everything. The experience is worthy too isn't it?




Relationships, the silent stories, the knowing without words, the two realities side by side.

Playing, fighting, forgiving, hiding… bare naked though fully dressed.

Relationships: Man and Woman, Husband and Wife, Father and Mother, Lover and Fighter, Tender and Raw, Daredevil and Brocanteur.

Weaving love with what we have, with who we are.



Do we ever know someone completely? I barely know myself….

I thought I had him, but I knew I had to "catch" him full face.

Being perfect isn't what it is cracked up to be.

I saw he had a half smile, he was confident he was going to win.

Silly man….




At times in a relationship there are stand offs.


How many times have I stood two inches away from his embrace and felt miles away – How many times have I been on the other side of the earth and felt deep in his heart.




Communication is important, though words can get in the way, especially if they are in two different languages. Being mad at someone isn't a game I like to play. Bearing truth isn't easy to do and harder to take.

Fortunately, relationships don't grow in straight lines.

Pruning is art not just a cruel tool for the untamed.

Listening is crucial, especially when words are not spoken.

Hide and seek.



Holding ground.

Staying in the middle.

Love is being true.




So we play.
We fight.
We have stand offs.

We make up,

and carry on.

We stick to the middle ground and at times take the high road, and blow up the bridge, and find a shortcut home.

Winning isn't everything…. it really isn't.
Though it does feel good for awhile.

We hold on together.



The fine line between two worlds is we both win. That is the reality.


(Repost from 2010)


15 responses to “How I Met my French Husband: Hide and Seek”

  1. Love. This. Post.

  2. Lovely, deep, and true.

  3. Hey, Yann: Peek-a-boo, I see you 😉
    P.S. What kind of trees are those — sycamores?

  4. Love this post now & then! Reflective & promissory – life! Xo

  5. Lana Kloch

    thanks for reposting.. great lessons on love and life thru words and pictures..
    pushing for you to publish your words and photos mon ami…

  6. Wendy in Kennewick

    You write so beautifully. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Worth reading. Then rereading again.

  8. Marie-Noëlle

    Lime trees ( = “Tilleuls” in French) …

  9. Marie-Noëlle

    Pleased you’ve “reposted” this as I missed it in 2010…
    I agree with all the comments…
    and I read, re-read, and re-read…
    and I Watch, re-watch and re-watch…

  10. So nice – thanks for reposting.

  11. lois scott

    I love this post and want to share with my grand daughter who is planning her wedding in August. Thank you Cory

  12. Linda P.

    Great post to include again.

  13. Marilyn

    So worth reposting!
    Good thoughts!

  14. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    I love the repost of this! How fun that you two played hide and seek with camera and trees, and that brought about your musing on relationships. I liked the ephemeral photos at the very beginning (before I knew what the series was) plus the HANDS gripping the tree trunk, refusing to show the face, and the win-win peek around the edge of the tree at the end.
    Hoping you’re having a very lovely time during this special week!

  15. Poetry!Love this!:)
    Thanks for reposting!

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