Time is Not Long Enough


The day was not long enough, and that is how it is suppose to be.



Parable of Immortality

"I am standing on the seashore. A ship spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the ocean. I stand watching her until she fades on the horizon. And someone at my side says, “She is gone.”

“Gone where?”

The loss of sight is in me, not in her. Just at the moment when someone says, “She is gone", there are others who are watching her coming. Other voices take up the glad shout, "Here she comes!”

And that is dying."

Henry Van Dyke 


26 responses to “Time is Not Long Enough”

  1. beautiful.
    Peace to you, dear Corey.
    Be gentle with yourself.
    love and prayers from Munich

  2. I lost a dear friend to cancer back in February. For those of us who loved her — our hearts were just broken and they still are. I don’t know how dying works but for sure I will find out one day. She walked through that door before me but I’m going to walk through the door one day too. I am so aware of that ever since she passed.

  3. nancy w

    Simple yet so true and profound. Thank you for this message. We are all connected. Thinking of you.

  4. wonderful memory….
    this is a message I’d like to ‘use’ too – we lost in two weeks last month a 20yr old son of friends who died in a motorbike accident while on holidays and a 46yr old mother of two teens & and a ill husband…
    Annie had such a rich life (although it might have been quite poor in monetary terms). We are thankful for that

  5. Oh, just so beautiful and true.

  6. With you in spirit Corey (you are a sage and it is amazing to take this journey with you.)

  7. When my mom died SO UNEXPECTEDLY- a friend of mine sent me a card with this verse-it brings me comfort-and I hope it does for you too-I can visual this scene above in my head-so real so true-

  8. It brings to mind your earlier post of the girl on the sailboat. Crossing over.
    Peace to all.

  9. Lovely sentiment. Surely it brings comfort or will, in time.

  10. We tell ourselves they are in a better place, yet there is an aching in our hearts. May time and memories keep you.

  11. RebeccaNYC

    I have always loved that quote. xo

  12. David H

    Your beautiful words reminded me of this quote I read recently…
    Meeting is the beginning of parting, but parting is the beginning of meeting again.~ Japanese Proverb

  13. I love this….

  14. oh, Corey….thank you

  15. Yes.

  16. I love that parable! Thank you Corey, keeping you in thoughts and prayers.

  17. Sue Morris

    Such moving and evocative words….Corey, I feel your pain as you share these words with us all. Peace, calm and love be with you always.

  18. So beautifully said, Corey.

  19. If only it could be easier to believe….

  20. Marilyn

    Thanks for this quote. Indeed the day is never long enough and we want to hold on. I am holding you in the warmth of remembered hugs.

  21. How beautiful. Your dear Annie is being welcomed by many. May God watch over you and keep you as you mourn this lovely lady.

  22. Angela Vular

    Dearest Corey,
    You have my most sincere sympathy. Peace be with you.

  23. This is absolutely beautiful.

  24. This is beautiful. Peace to you, Corey.

  25. Holding you close in thought, dear Corey. You are in my prayers.

  26. Bonnie Gale

    For those of us who believe spiritually in eternal life, Van Dyke’s words are moving and concise. I find them to be beautiful and immensely comforting. It is in the our daily activities we miss our loved ones who are gone to their grave. That is natural, to expect to see them on a walk or as we enter a room. And, there is no denying the grief we feel in those moments. We remind ourselves of the afterlife and derive comfort in knowing we will meet again in eternity. That is the best we can do, for now. That heart wrenching grief will pass away over time, to be replaced with loving memories. Please take comfort in knowing you were a dear friend to Annie.

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