Sweet Antiques

Sweet Antiques

My mother searches for antiques for her shop in nearby and distant shops though out northern California. I love the hunt, especially with my mom. My mother loves rustic, country pieces, and well I like most everything… and none of it will fit in my suitcase which is a good good good thing, France nor I need another antique.


Sweet Antiques

Sweet Antiques

Sweet Antiques

Sweet Antiques



8 responses to “Sweet Antiques”

  1. Diogenes

    Love the orange sofa and pillow!

  2. Marilyn

    Sweet! How fun to go antiquing with your mom. My grown children didn’t like going with me as kids and they still don’t like going with me.

  3. The apple did not fall far from the tree now did it ladies????

  4. martina

    Another thing for my bucket list…going antiquing with you and your mother. What fun and laughter you must have shared!

  5. lanmangina@me.com

    Hi Corey, How fun! I am up North now where is your mom’s shop?

  6. Yes, where is your mom’s shop and the name of- i will be up that way this autumn?!?! devind99@hotmail.com

  7. Pam Norwood

    Glad you are spending this precious time with your sweet Mom!! As we say in the South “ya’ll have a bunch of fun!!!”

  8. Mahée Ferlini

    Looks like you and your mother found some great pieces for her shop. Also, sounds like you and her really enjoy yourselves. Too bad you couldn’t have found a bigger suitcase – thank you for sharing!

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